Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Fight To Defend The Constitution, Or Promote International Socialism!!!

These two concepts are mutually exclusive of each other!!!  The International Socialists, or "Globalists" are the main motivators of the move toward "Open Borders", internationally!  This concept, I believe,  is intended to bankrupt the western economies, including America's, because the European "Globalists" (or "One-Worlders", as I call them) believe that if they all become bankrupt,  especially the American dollar (which is still the accepted international currency of exchange, for all trade deals)  they will be forced to accept their newly created computer-based currency (like the "Bitcoin") which the Bible warns all believers not to accept, on pain of eternal damnation!!!  So, as long as the American people are loyal to their Constitutional government ( which we refer to as "Patriotism") we will be in direct conflict with those who wish to abolish our Constitution, and similar documents of every other nation, and join in with the "Globalists" who wish to enforce only the laws of this future "One-World" government!  You can bet that their laws will NOT enforce any trade tariffs America has placed upon other countries, all of whom will desperately welcome the chance to join their system!!!

I suspect that the illegal immigration campaigns that have so severely burdened the Western economies, and threaten to overwhelm our own, is an attempt to bankrupt our economies, with welfare for all immigrants, so we will all be forced to join their system, and their government!!!  So, all those who support the "Open Borders" movement, (in our country they  are called the "Democrats") are setting us up for this transfer of our economic freedom, for the enslavement of  the "One -World" Socialist system!!!   The Devil's Antichrist is prophecied to rise to absolute power over this system, for seven years, before Jesus returns to set up His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!  During the Antichrist's reign, he will terrorize those who refuse to join his system,  and will kill many Christians, because they will not join!!!  When Jesus returns, He will send the Antichrist to Hell, along with all those who participated in his system!  

So, in America, the Democrats in Congress, are blatantly violating their oath of office  ( to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States") and are therefore not fit to retain their seats in Congress!!!  But, the Democrats obviously believe that the American people are so ignorant of Constitutional law that they will re-elect them to office, along with others of like-mindedness,  and that's how they intend to regain control of all our government, so they can destroy it from within, abolish our Constitution, and force us to join their "One-World" Socialist system!!!

Only God can deliver us from this tyrannical coup of our freedom, and He will not, unless enough of us earnestly pray for Him to do so!!!

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