Thursday, July 25, 2019

A President Can Be Indicted After He Leaves Office...

I've been hearing the Leftist Media, and politicians talking about this for a long time,  now!  I recognized that there intentions were that,  "We'll get him (Trump), after we win in 2020!"  So maybe now they will recognize that Trump might just beat their you-know-what's, in 2020; in both the Congress, and the White House!   But, as they say, "turn-about is fair play!" And, "what's good for the goose (Trump), is good for the gander!"

I think we may need to keep these old adages in mind, when the results of the D.O.J.'s investigation, and Attorney General Barr's investigation, are finished, and made public!  It's beginning to look like my suspicions about previous Presidents may be about to come to light!!!  There just seems to be too much clumsy Deep State chicanery going on, in government circles, lately, for certain Democratic Presidents not to have known about it!   The level of clumsiness is so silly as to suggest that the perpetrators figured they were so above detection, and punishment, that they didn't have to worry much about public revelation.   They seemed to feel that they would win so easily, that anyone who was convicted of criminal activity, would be freed after they took control of the government, and abolished all the laws that they might have broken along the way to gaining power!

The first rude awakening, came in 2016, when Hillary won the popular vote, but forgot to bring the Electoral College along with her!!!   The second rude awakening happened yesterday, when the nation viewed the Mueller testimony before Congress, and instead of the testimony re-igniting the Mueller investigation conclusions into implicating President Trump's complicity in some, "high crimes, and misdemeanors" (which are impeachable offenses), it merely exposed the Democratic control of the investigation, since Mueller proved to be so ignorant about the investigation that bore his name!!! It became embarrassingly clear that Mueller had left the investigation entirely in the hands of his subordinates, which were scandalously known to be corrupt  Democratic sympathizers!!!  Especially, Andrew Weisman, who had a reputation of being perhaps the most corrupt prosecutor in America, having won cases repeatedly, which destroyed corporations, and thousands of jobs with them, and sent their executives to jail, only to have the decisions reversed by unanimous agreement of the Supreme Court Justices, upon appeal!!!  His fingerprints are all over the behavior of the investigation, and people have gone to jail that also may have their sentences reversed upon appeal!!!  He clearly must lose his license to practice law, at least, if not spend years in jail himself !!!

It now seems as if my tendency to panic at the thought of the Democrats being able to win the election, in 2020, was unwarranted, due to my lack of faith that the Lord had it all in control, and all He had to do was expose the truth, so that even the most gullible Democratic voters would understand that the Democrats don't want to gain power, so they can control the county's government!  They want to gain power, so they can abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the European "One-World" Socialist government system.  Therefore they are not afraid of being prosecuted for breaking our laws, in their effort to gain power, because they expect to abolish those laws, as soon as they gain that power!!!

This "Deep State" coup is too big to be the product of one  hostile Democratic administration!  It has to have been planned for decades; and perhaps organized by some Presidential administration, that was heavily influenced by, if not directed by a former Rhodes Scholar, or two, who went to England and studied under the influence of the so-called, "Fabian Socialists", who believe in the slow, incremental takeover,  of socialist control of the government, which lends itself perfectly with the European plan of "One-World" Socialist government!

Gee!  I wonder if there have been any Presidents in recent memory, who fit that description???  And does he have a wife who has been ridiculously careless in protecting government secrets as though she was unconcerned about prosecution for her actions???   And was he followed by another Democratic President who was equally unconcerned about the propriety of has administration's legal behavior, with reference to the harassment of conservative  organizations, while they further established their "Deep State" bureaucracy, in an attempt to extend their control of the government even after they leave office!  I wonder who might be suspected of this kind of political chicanery?!!

The third rude awakening may be just around the corner,  after the 2020 election may well restore President Trump's administration, and the Republican control of the House of Representatives, along with the refreshing defeats of the abominable "squad" that has seemed to take defacto control of that useless part of the Congress!!!

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