Friday, July 5, 2019

Am I The Only Pundit Who Says The Democrats Want To Destroy America???

Democrats criticize American patriotism because they fear any form of "Nationalism", because it is antithetic to "Globalism"!!!  American patriotism is not in any way similar to World War II,  Nazi nationalism, which the critics are trying to imply!  Actually, the "Globalists" are much closer to the Nazi form of oppression, just as the Antifa protestors are much closer to the Fascism that they claim to resist!!!   Disapproval is not enough for them, nor is public condemnation.  When mega-corporations censor the dialogue, on their platforms, simply because it is opposing to their own preferences, they are acting upon the same form of  Fascist oppression as the Antifa mini-terrorists!!!  Just without the violence,... at least so far!   Perhaps it may develop into that, in time!

For decades, Democrats have used their form of shorthand to try to influence public opinion!  If they felt that their followers were so unsophisticated that they would not understand why they opposed something, they would simply try to connect it with something else that they know is nearly universal in a negative connotation!   That's why President Trump is called a "racist", without any factual basis for such a charge.  If they can associate Trump with something they know most people hate, they hope the hatred will transfer to Trump, by association, or by some form of political osmosis!!!  This effort shows an overwhelming distrust of their constituents' ability to think rationally, and make appropriate decisions for themselves!!!  Why Democratic voters are not offended by this patronizing view, is beyond me!   Conversely,  Antifa's mini-terrorists want to connect their Fascist behavior with something that will be approved by most people!  But, their Fascist behavior is only different from Nazi Fascism, by degrees, which can be, and probably will be, intensified, in time!!!

But, it's beginning to irritate me that I seem to be the only one I know of, that draws the connection between Leftist efforts to censor, or even violent protests (like Antifa, and student protests of Conservative speakers on their campuses), and the desperate attempt to Socialize democratic governments, coincidentally at the same time as Europe is trying to develop their "One-World" Socialist government system!   It seems that Leftists, world wide, are trying to desensitize the world  to Socialism, in general, so it may be easier to get them to join their "Globalist", or "One-World" system!!!  I guess Socialist governments like Cuba, and Venezuela, are to be ignored, when discussing the benefits of Socialism!  It seems to me that one should merely multiply the backwardness of failed Socialist countries, times the population of the world, to estimate the potential "success" of a "One-World" Socialist government!!!

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