Thursday, July 4, 2019

Let's Get One Thing Straight...

...The Democrats do not "hate Donald Trump" as much as they hate what he is doing, and what he further wants to do!!!  Donald Trump's "great Sin" in their eyes is that he wants to "Make America Great Again"!!!  And he wants to keep America great!!!

The bottom line is they love their "utopian view" of Socialism, and their "One-World" Socialist government system, which the European Common Market is trying desperately to develop, more than the rest of us love our Constitution!!!  The very reason they "hate Trump" is because he is trying to legally use his Constitutional authority to strengthen the very aspects of our society that the Democrats hate!  The stronger America becomes, the less likely their Socialist "utopia" will be accepted by all other countries!!!  Why should they vote to join the second best system in the World???  They could, alternatively, copy what America is doing, and prosper themselves, rather than trusting in Socialism, which has failed miserably, and is continuing to fail around the world, today!!!

As long as America stands as a better example of government, than their Socialist "utopia", they can never convince the rest of the world to join them!!!  Especially because America is based upon freedom, within the legal constraints of the law, whereas Socialism is based upon "the government controls everything", and gives the people "a little tip" to exist with!  I suspect that the possibility of Socialist bureaucrats being able to "enrich themselves by skimming off the top" of every government contract is the main reason for the absolute obsession of the Democrats, who probably envision themselves as becoming those very bureaucrats!!!   The whole thing can probably be explained by basic greedy lust, not so much for power, but for the wealth of the taxpayers!!!

The obsession of the Democrats can best be understood by the ridiculous promises of virtually all of their candidates for president, in the upcoming election!  They are so determined to win the election that they are promising virtually everything for free, and I suspect that all they intend to give us, if elected, is an abolishing of the Constitution, as a tired old obsolete document, and the joining of the European Socialist system.   They are literally promising everything, just to regain power, and then they plan to take it all away from us, and steal it for themselves, basically!

Only the power of  God can keep our nation from falling for this Satanic deception, and not let the Democrats steal the election, next year!  If we earnestly pray for God to open the eyes of the voters who would normally vote for the Democrats, and let them see what the Democrats actually are trying to do, then we can save our country from those who wish to destroy it !!!  Otherwise we will lose our government, and the freedoms it guarantees !!!

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