Friday, February 22, 2019

When Attorneys Can't, Or Won't, Spell Correctly!!!

I make no judgement in the case of Jussie Smollett.  I am no judge of any man, even when the evidence seems to mount so high against the defendant, as it seems to be against him.  And I refuse to jump to absurd conclusions, as so many reporters of the Main Stream media are so quick to do lately!

But, if he is guilty of even a portion of the charges against him, then his attorneys ought to be jailed for their lies to try and profess his innocence, when they must certainly know the truth, whatever it is!  It is inconceivable to me that they would not interrogate their own client thoroughly, after all the charges against him, considering that, by law, they could not share their client's confession because of the "Attorney/Client Privilege" clause!

However, to know the truth, and to profess outrage at the Police, and Prosecutors who dared to charge Smollett so, is so inscrutable as to be nauseous to even contemplate.  I know a press conference does not require an  attorney to be sworn in against perjury, but the standard ought to be applied voluntarily, and for the attending journalists,  as well!

I don't claim that Smollett's attorney is lying now, but my suspicion grows daily!!!  If it is so, it's another in a series of endless unscrupulous attorneys who seem to think their job description is spelled "liars", rather than "lawyers", and the old adage of, "there ought to be a law against it!", certainly applies!!!  It should not always be left up to the Judges to determine the defendant's guilt, or innocence, but when a client is so overwhelmingly guilty, that it is obvious to the attorneys he tries to hire, they should refuse his offer, for fear of being charged, after the fact of knowingly trying to deceive the courts with their clever manipulation of the truth, to "prove" his innocence!  Perhaps we would not have such a backlog of trials waiting to be heard, if the obviously guilty had more difficulty in obtaining counsel!  With the possible exception being when an inexperienced attorney is assigned to defend a client, by the judge, allowance should be made for inept defense, but the likelihood of the same should be expected, as well.

I suppose the concept of ignoring the obvious attorneys' attempt at trying to cloud the issues in court, to manipulate their client's guilt into a seeming innocence, whether through manipulation of the apparent facts, or excusing their guilt, because of technicalities, ought to be rendrered illegal!  The same should apply to their trying to manipulate public opinion, through lying in a press release, or conference!  It is not illegal but it, " ought'a be!!!"

I suppose my opinions seem so outlandish, that my objections will be ignored by anyone in authority!  This seems to be a way for the legal profession to protect their own, and maximize their opportunities for employment (perhaps "enrichment" would be a more appropriate term)!  After all, most Judges were attorneys, first,  and probably sympathize with others who try to "make a living", even at the expense of determining the truth!  And most politicians, who can change legal standards, were lawyers first, as well.  Perhaps that's why they have such a hard time recognizing the truth, themselves!!!  (Or at least admitting it!!!)

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