Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Have We Become Nazi Germany, Already???

 It was bad enough to realize we were headed in that direction, but at some point we have to acknowledge the obvious!!!  We have now become the second coming of Nazi Germany!!!

When a nation's governing body is so indifferent to the care of helpless humanity that it simply discards them as refuse, with no concern for the morality of what they are doing, then it's time for all Jews. and Christians, to pack up and head for the hills; the next holocaust can't be long in coming!!!

The news today is that a Senate proposal, sponsored by Sen. Ben Sasse,  of Nebraska, was defeated that would have made infanticide illegal, if it passed both houses of Congress.   Specifically, it would have mandated the proper care for those babies that are born alive, in spite of an attempted abortion procedure.  This is supposed to occur in, "less than one per cent of the cases", yet a botched abortion is no reason for the murder of the surviving child!  In an unusually cowardly twisting of the facts, FOX NEWS described it as a Democratic mustered defeat (please read the "UPDATE" below, for my correction)!  But this was the Republican controlled Senate!!!  It is obvious that the Democratic controlled House of Representatives would never pass a similar bill, nor would a Democratic controlled Senate!  But, the Republicans are supposed to be more "Pro Life", than the Democrats, and this bill could not have been voted down without some Republicans cooperating with the Democrats to do so (Ibid...please see "UPDATE" below)!   I don't yet know who, or what twisted reasoning they may  foster  to try and justify their votes; but I'm sure we will hear about all that shortly!  And, once we know who, we will know whom we should vote out of Congress as soon as possible, regardless of their rationale!!!  This kind of cowardly behavior should at least be banned from a supposedly Pro Life Republican Senate!!!

UPDATE:  (One hour later)--

As usual, when someone writes something without waiting for all the facts to come out, I got it wrong!!!   I should apologize to all the Fake News journalists, who do likewise, on a regular basis!  The only difference between us, is I did so accidentally, because my blood ran so hot that my outrage caused me to jump to the journalistic false conclusion that this bill was voted down with Republican help!   My outrage would have been deserved, had this been so, but I was in error!

I assumed that it only required a majority vote to pass, which the Republicans should be able to muster easily.  But, it actually needed a 60 vote majority to end the filibuster, which it did not get, even with 50 Republicans, and 3 Democrats voting for it!  So the FOX NEWS report blaming this on the Democrats was indeed accurate, and I must excuse myself, to eat my "Humble Pie" in private!!!  It's especially difficult, as I have been so vociferous in condemning the Mainstream Media for their frequent jumps to false conclusions, which they easily do, and one suspects they do so intentionally!  I guess that makes me different from them, but I still am ashamed for what I did!

UPDATE  II:  (minutes later!)--

Look out below!!!  My blood is running hot again, but this time I've waited for verification of the facts!

The intellectually vacuous high priestess of the Left, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is at it again!!!  After amazing us with her insipid "Green New Deal" plan to "save" the planet from the imagined pollution that is supposedly destroying our atmosphere, which plan has been estimated to cost us over 90 TRILLION dollars, if it were implemented today, over a period of ten years; she continues to amaze with her stupidity by suggesting that today's children ought to consider if it is "wise" for them to have children when they grow up!!!  "Wise", as if she even understood the meaning of the word!!!

A budget that would pay for that would necessitate the borrowing of light years increased amounts, presuming that future generations could pay it back!  But, if none of our children have children of their own, exactly who does she think is going to pay for what we borrow today???  The Japanese are already feeling the pinch of an economic debt that has outgrown the reproductive performance of their population.  But, this plan would be light years far worse than that!

But, she studied at the intellectual feet of that brilliant hypocrite, Bernie Sanders, whose Socialist obsession has no problem with his spending 350 some odd thousands of dollars, of taxpayers' money, on the private jets he uses to fly around the country!  Which demonstrates that Socialists intend for us to sacrifice financially, while they plan to live lavishly, off of taxpayers' largess!!!  Now you see where she gets her brilliant ideas from!!!

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