Friday, December 1, 2017

"The Price Of Freedom..."

...and perhaps the cost of believing in an "inconvenient truth".

A while ago, I received one of my rare comments at this blog (rare, because my server has designed the Comments access to begin with the necessary "clicking" of the "No Comments" designation, at the bottom of each post,  which is apparently intended to alert me that no one has clicked that button yet.  It seems to create the impression that comments are unwelcome, which is not the case.).  It came shortly after I had a discussion with one of my relatives, who are almost unanimously far-left liberals, and I cautioned them that my blog was extremely conservative (to say the least) so as to warn them of what might appear to them as evidence of my complete lunacy, which my views would certainly indicate, compared to their own!  (I have no desire to be locked up in a insane asylum, simply because I believe a 2500-year-old-prophecy is soon to begin to be fulfilled.   I am ready to suffer that, if necessary, but I would certainly prefer to avoid that, if possible!   However, with liberal relatives possibly judging my mental, and emotional competence, God only knows what conclusion they may arrive at!)

If that is what I must endure, then so be it!  I'm sure God can save me from that situation, since He saved Jesus from, "seeing corruption" after death, my predicament would be small by comparison!

But, on the above referred to occasion, the comment read something to the effect that, "You don't really believe this stuff, do you?"  It was "courageously" signed "Anonymous", as if I couldn't guess that one of my liberal relatives was likely behind it!

Obviously, I truly wish I  could convince my relatives that what I believed was true, but through many discussions of my beliefs, it has become apparent that God, Himself will have to do something to accomplish that miraculous feat, as many of them have spent a lifetime believing dogmatically in Liberal politics, which today is evolving into the very One-World socialist view that is prophecied to lead to acceptance of the Antichrist's One-World government, with the prophecied conclusion of  Jesus' ultimate condemnation of all it's participants to an eternity in Hell!!!   But,  I seem to be unable to dissuade them from their views,  and they have a Constitutional right to hold those views, all the way to Hell, if they so choose!  And, I am sure their opinion of my views is similar!  Only God can show us who is correct, and who is dangerously in error, which I believe He is shortly about to do!!!

"Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus, and count us all worthy to escape the wrath that is to come!!!"

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