Saturday, December 9, 2017

Does Boycotting Contribute To Heaiing, Or Division???

In the 1950's ,and 1960's,  black boycotting of things, and people, that were considered racist was both courageous, and effective in calling attention to a problem that was endemic in American culture, and needed to be collectively repented of, by all of us. There comes  a point where good acts of the past become counter-productive  in the present.  Is the main goal of the civil rights movement to endlessly encourage divisiveness, or to encourage racial healing, which will someday make boycotting unnecessary???  I sometimes wonder at the real motivations of the boycotters!

Take Congressman Lewis' intention to boycott the planned opening of the Civil Rights Museum, because President Trump is scheduled to appear there.  How shallow is that!!!  I think we have all long since recognized that unintended  discrimination  has been a part of America's struggle with the concept of, "...all men are created equal."  But, how about the reverse issue of using the pretentious appearance of legitimate offense to enhance a politicians re-electability?  I submit that Congressman Lewis' objection has nothing to do with any act of racial discrimination on the part of President  Trump, but like so many Democratic demagogues, blustering in Congress today, he can't think of anything important to talk about for his constituents, so he merely falls back on the two main issues that have become political staples for the Democrats in the past:  Racism, and sexism!!!  And, since sexism has been muted for the time being, by the rash of sexual harassment charges,  primarily from the Democrats (and the scandalous  report of the blatant use of taxpayers' money to pay off the settlements needed to keep the victims silent),  I guess racism is the only other issue this intellectual dwarf can think of to bluster about!!!  When will the civil rights movement begin to stress racial healing over protest, since we are all very well aware of the problem???

I submit also that his complaint has nothing to do with racism, but that the Democrats lost the election in 2016, and the control of Congress before that, and they are scrambling desperately for issues that will motivate voters to empower them in the 2018, and  2020 elections.  I can't see this effort to promote the Trump administration as being racist, to be effective in that regard, and it may even be counter productive, and get a lot of them un-elected, instead!  At some point, Americans will tire of the Democrats complaining about how wrong we are, and support those politicians who are trying to make things better!!!   The new attitude may be, "get on board, or get out of the way!"  The Democrats may need some help in getting out of the way!

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