Thursday, December 7, 2017

The First Amendment Continues To Die A Slow Death...

... Thanks to the prevalence of believers in "Political Correctness", especially on American college campuses.  News reports today signal the latest attempt to squelch primarily conservative speakers from addressing students on college campuses.  Now some colleges are charging conservative speakers a "security fee" before they are allowed to speak on their campuses, sometimes as high as $10,000.00!  While this appears ostensibly to be an attempt to pay for  security costs and potential damages for rioting "students" ( many of whom are not even registered at the college, but are paid, professional protesters arranged by rich Leftist power brokers, like George Soros),  it is more likely intended to impede the conservative speakers from wanting to speak on their campus, at all.  This is obviated by the fact that rioters who are arrested at one campus riot are generally kept in jail overnight, and then released, with their charges dropped, in time to go to the next college campus, for the next scheduled, "spontaneous" protest, which they will riot at!   This kind of theatrical protest is covered by the mainstream media, and given the reported appearance as being honest protest by outraged students, who are genuinely angered by conservative speakers on their campus.   These mainstream reporters could easily uncover the bogus roles of the supposed "students",  but don't bother.  The theatrics give them good stories, and one supposes they approve of the perspective of the pretend "students".

How long are we going to put up with these attempts to deceitfully represent the Constitutionally protected free speech of conservative speakers to be so egregious as to provoke such  "spontaneous student rioting"???  All that is necessary to stop it is for the local authorities to prosecute these professional rioters for their actual crimes, many of which are clearly exposed by security cameras, and even the mainstream reporters, themselves.  If they are held in jail until their trials, they will be less available for the next "spontaneous" riot.  Or George Soros will get tired of paying their bail, which will probably be forfeited when these "students" fail to show up for their trials; and if they do go to trial, will their convictions add up to a prohibitive accumulative debt of fines, until even Soros will tire of paying them?  But, this continues to be treated as the very "Constitutionally protected" behavior that the first amendment protects, which it is not!

This kind of upside-down logic prevails on college campuses, because too many children are attending colleges, with no real desire to get an education, funded by the easy government subsidized loans, that will eventually enslave them for years to repay!   This practice amounts to defacto welfare for college professors, many of whom could not be employed on their academic merits, but because they create the Leftist unrest that the media feeds upon, and the colleges have too much money to spend on acts that have nothing to do with education, but merely promote their Leftist politics, it persists.

This trend must be stopped, beginning with the easy government  backing of student loans.  Let students demonstrate real academic prowess in order to acquire Bank loans that have a realistic hope of repayment, on their own.  Then these loans will tend to go to students who are truly motivated to get an education, and will in turn use the loans to go to schools that hire qualified professors, who are motivated to actually teach their students, rather than promoting their Leftist agendas.   The other colleges, which specialize in offering courses, like "Advanced Underwater Basket Weaving", with extra curricular activities like Leftist campus rioting, will eventually repent of their bogus "educational" offerings, or they will shortly go bankrupt, without all the poorly motivated students, who got easy, government guaranteed loans.

It's past time for this nation's government to stop funding bogus "opportunities" for poorly motivated students to attend worthless colleges, which hire instructors to teach Leftist dogma, and popular courses which have no professional prospects for their students!  Let the students demonstrate their academic prowess, or let them get a job in a factory, or fast food restaurant, until they save enough money for a  real college education!  This will motivate them to really pursue an excellent education, and it will motivate colleges to concentrate their efforts on offering quality educations, and they will have less time, and excess money to fritter away on political causes, bogus, or otherwise!!!

Then people like George Soros will have to spend their money on trying to overthrow the governments of Latin American "Banana Republics". and leave us alone!!!

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