Monday, December 4, 2017

My Suspicions Are Confirmed!

Last Friday (Dec. 1st.) I wrote of my suspicion that some person, or more likely some arrogant international organization of self-appointed social engineers, must be telling those who believe in the concept of a One-World (secular) government that they must cooperate with their so-called "mass immigration" policies, because a One-World government was the wave of the future, and the last best hope for world peace!  They are right on both counts, but wrong on who will control it!  The first one will be an absolute failure because it will be controlled by the devil's Antichrist!  Then after seven years of chaos, Jesus is prophecied to come back, to destroy all those who voluntarily cooperated with this system, and set up His Millennial Kingdom of Heaven on Earth! 

The obvious intentions of the socialist movement seems to be that by merely forcing the citizens of the wealthier nations to share their living space with the immigrants of poorer nations, the immigrants would learn to adjust to the peaceful civility of their neighbors, thereby creating a more just, and peaceful world.

Another well-intended concept of the International Socialists goes  awry, because these people usually consider only the conditions that conveniently lead to their pre-supposed conclusions, and fail to consider the inconvenient truths that complicate their goals,   In considering that the belligerence of the poorer immigrants was because they lacked well-paying jobs, and not the murderous ideology of the primarily Muslim-believing immigrants, who come from some of the poorest nations, we have idiots like Obama's U.N. Ambassador, (I think her name was Susan Powell) saying that the crisis of international terrorism was simply because these people needed, "...more jobs."

Riiiiiiight!!!  The fact is that their murderous ideology promotes a supposed prophecy, in their Koran, that Muslims would someday conquer the world, and in the process the cold-blooded murder of those who were not believing Muslims was not only okay, but to die after committing such an act would result in a special place reserved for the perpetrator, in their concept of "Paradise"; a place we Christians refer to as Hell!!!  This very delusion is the central basis for most of the terrorism we see today, coupled with the evil rewarding of these terrorist's living relatives with monetary benefits for their acts of heinous murder.  This is most blatantly true with the Palestine Authority, on the so-called West Bank of Israel, which is financed largely by 300 million dollars, annually, of American taxpayers money, under the guise of Foreign Aid, with the intention of promoting a more peaceful, and compliant attitude in their discussions of a Two-State settlement, with Israel; a concept that they continue to hold as unacceptable, and probably will never seriously consider!  But, in the mean time they give pensions of thousands of dollars to the living relatives of these murderers, which they call heroes, thereby encouraging more like behavior by young men who see no other realistic escape from a life of poverty!

This morning, FOX NEWS reported that the City of New York rejected their former agreement with a 2016 plan to cooperate with this movement, which the U.N. promptly condemned.  America's U.N. Ambassador, Nikki Haley, explained that America's borders must be protected, and the allowing of immigrants to cross those borders must be left up to the citizens of America, and not dictated to them by other nations.  I consider this to be confirmation that my suspicions are true, and that the social engineers of this movement are behind the mass migrations of the poorer populations of the world, to the wealthier nations, and thereby are indirectly responsible for the rash of international terrorism we see today.   Perhaps this also encourages evil hegemonists, like Russia's Putin to take advantage of the depopulation of the Arab Middle-East countries, setting the stage for the prophecied "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, described in Ezekiel:38, and 39.

This describes perfectly the conflict between the International Socialists of the world, and those of us who wish America to retain our sovereignty over our own territory, and population ( which sometimes appears to be more simply put as a conflict between the political Left, and the conservative Right, of mostly the Republican party).  It is clear that whomever is making these decisions for the International Socialist movement doesn't care a whit for America's safety, or sovereignty, and merely considers our protecting our freedoms, and our Constitution, to be an impediment to their plans for a One-World government. 

Well, so be it!  If we must impede this movement, that the Bible prophicies will become the tool of the devil, when his Antichrist manages to take control of it, then let's impede it!!!  And, Praise The Lord!!!

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