Tuesday, March 22, 2016

So Why Brussels, For Crying Out Loud???

The International Islamic Terrorists have struck again!!! This time they've chosen to murder innocent people in Brussels, Belgium, for whatever reason. Probably because the Belgian police had the unmitigated gall to arrest the presumed mastermind of the Paris attack (in November, of last year), over the weekend. That was apparently considered a terribly rude way to treat some of their "loyal citizens", I guess. After all, they were just trying to make a living as international terrorists (or should I say, "a dying"; I guess that would be more appropriate).

So, the question remains, why Brussels, aside from their trying to repay the local police for their rude behavior. Generally speaking, Brussels has become a hotbed of radical Islamic Terrorists, disproportionately compared to any other European country. As the capitol of the European Union, the terrorists would create the greatest propaganda "bang for their buck" (or Euro, if you'll pardon the crass expression). But, I suspect their most specific, and profound answer would be, "Why not???". I think the best reason they could come up with is similar to the Mount Everest climbers who answer the same question with, "Because it's there!". Like the ghetto muggers who steal from those who live in their own neighborhoods, I guess there are so many people who disagree with their concept of "Sharia Law", that they don't feel a need to go far from home to perform their acts of terror. Which raises the issue of why should we Americans be opening our doors to settle the refugees from their own terror-torn countries, when we have no reliable way of telling the difference between those who will become future terrorists, and those who will be law-abiding citizens all their lives?

As a Christian I am particularly torn over this issue; obviously I am concerned for the basic safety of all of our American citizens, excluding those naturalized "citizens" who want to use their new-found Constitutional "rights" as a tool to foment mayhem on others, and thereby steal away the Constitutional rights of others, let alone their lives. But, there is concern for the Biblical commandment to welcome the, "strangers who live among us", which is considered by God to be on a parallel with caring for the poor, widows, and orphans. God certainly didn't mean to be sweet as molasses to those that you know are about to commit mass murder. But how does one tell the difference, before the fact? After the fact is difficult enough, so what are we supposed to do without turning a cold, heartless back on the refugees who simply want to live safely, and raise their families in peace?

The precedent we set during World War II, the internment of all Japanese/American citizens has been roundly criticized for decades as simple Racism. True, it was racist in practicality, since it was easier to determine their ethnicity, than if we had determined to do the same with all the German/Americans as well. But there was a basic concern for public safety behind this, even if it proved unnecessary.

I can't see America approving of a national Muslim roundup of all the people who attend services at their local Mosques, on a given Friday. But something must be done to protect us from a Brussels-like attack from those would-be Islamic terrorists who already live among us. Perhaps we, and the Europeans should pay countries like Turkey to keep the refugees, and build reasonably comfortable living quarters for them, and supply food aid, etc., for the duration, through United Nations donations. We simply cannot keep this open-door policy for terrorists to take advantage of to murder us on our streets!

There may soon come a day when we are not talking about the terrorism that struck Brussels, or Paris. It's not that long ago that we were talking about New York City, and "911"..., it can happen again!

The crux of the issue is that the real solution is too complex for mankind to solve himself. I think God is allowing us to deal with a terrorism that is bigger and more complex than the world has ever seen, including Hitler, and the Nazis. Instead of one nation wanting to conquer the world, and kill all the Jews, we have a people of one religion that wants to conquer the world, and force everyone else to believe as they do, or die (they just want the Jews to die first!)!!! (Doesn't it seem strange that the evil in the last World War was culminated in a hatred of the Jews, and the next one will also! Does it seem as though God's trying to get our attention???) That seems a bit more diabolical to me! I think the point from God's perspective is, "how long will we keep trying to solve our problems without Him!" He already promised to end this terrorism, His way (in Ezekiel 38, &39), but that's another story!!! (See the post for December 11 of last year, for a brief review of my expectations of the Ezekiel 38, & 39 Prophecy) [for Jo, and Christine...if you're still holding your breath, and gritting your teeth...you can breathe now.]

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