Sunday, March 13, 2016

"America Is Great, Because..."

"...America is good"-- Alexis De Tocqueville. The previous quote, from the early 19th century, French political philosopher, and social scientist was followed immediately by the very prophetic warning: "When America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." These words were written in his book, "Democracy In America", published in 1835, after traveling throughout America making these observations, in contrast to the trends that were shaping Europe in the years following the French Revolution.

One has to wonder if he had a time-machine to jump into the 21st century, to compare what America was, with what it was to become today! Is America still "good"??? And if not, what makes us feel we will remain "great", as if it is some inherited trait from our ancestors; an automatic characteristic that is neither earned, nor can be lost, nor even stolen? Is President Obama aware of these prophetic words? And is he endeavoring to apply them (in a negative manner)??? Remember, Socialism (which Obama studiously promotes, even if he refuses to admit it) believes in economic pastry symbols, such as pieces of economic pies, which can only be obtained for the "have-nots" by taking away large chunks from the "haves". This is done primarily through oppressive government taxation, and re-distribution ("Welfare"); and secondarily through the inflationary "taxation" of borrowing against future presumed income, and inflating the currency, as we see it done today. An interesting quote from De Tocquevilles "Democracy In America" could describe the prevailing attitude of the leaders of the Democratic Party today; "But one finds in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to want to bring down the strong to their level, and which reduces men to preferring equality in servitude, to inequality in freedom." Of course, the leaders of Socialism exclude themselves from such "equality", preferring an inequality of elitism for themselves, while professing a level of "poverty", such as Hillary recently proclaimed (forgetting to mention the millions that her husband raked in through his speaking engagements).

Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton talk much about "equality". I guess they are referring to an "equality of servitude", since they mean to take away the wealth of the rich. Do you suppose they will give that wealth to the poor, or will they keep most of it for themselves, and their political appointees, and bureaucrats??? I wonder!!!

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