Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Has America Been "Trump(ed)" by The "Donald"???

Is it over, already? "Are we there yet???" Donald Trump's incredible run of political popularity seems to have "no end in sight", as they say. No, it is not over, yet; at least not mathematically. But it almost seems to be, after his colossal "Super Tuesday" victories, yesterday. Hillary Clinton's victories were even more impressive, but she has to worry more about the likelihood of being indicted for her E-mail scandals, than being defeated for her party's nomination. As an interested spectator in today's political Soap Operatic campaigns, I am about ready to throw up my hands in frustration, and say, "a pox on both your houses", and sit back and let God sort it all out!

The thing that has me the most confounded is the apparent willingness of the Evangelical Christian voters to buy Donald Trumps rhetoric as if he is sincere in what he says, and they are apparently voting for him as much, or more than they are willing to vote for Ted Cruz, or Dr. Ben Carson; both of whom strike me as being more sincere in backing Christian issues, if elected. But I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised. I've seen this all before. We tend to think of Evangelicals as voting as one monolithic block, for the same candidate, but that is unfortunately not always the case. I'm reminded of a lady friend, back in Bill Clinton's first presidential campaign, who apparently voted for him, obviously because she thought he was handsome, though she tried to rationalize it otherwise, strenuously. This lady was my idea of the devout Christian conservative, politically, and to think of her falling for Bill Clinton's campaign line of, "I'm a conservative Democrat!" was absolutely unbelievable to me! But she did!

I guess it goes to show you that Christians are people, too, though we sometimes try to make it seem that we are not subject to the same temptations, and the same strong delusions that befall non-Christians alike. The one thing I agree with Marco Rubio about is when he calls Trump a "con-artist", which I strongly suspect he is! I guess the establishment wing of the Republican Party thinks so too, because there is talk that they might form a third party if Trump wins the Republican nomination. After forcing Trump to "promise" not to form a third party campaign, himself, it's interesting that the party bigwigs would consider it okay if they did it themselves! I guess those "Wall Street 'Conservatives'", who are conservative only when their candidate wins, and are just as comfortable with a liberal president when they don't, will do anything to win with their "wishy-washy" candidates, even if they don't play by their own rules to do it. I expect they'll back somebody like Marco Rubio, if they do. Could we have a four-party election this year, with former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg reputedly considering a run, himself, or was that only in case Hillary gets indicted?

Is God showing us what a mockery of our Constitutional system we have allowed our government to become? I wonder if He is allowing us to elect some idiot who will continue the trend Obama started of destroying the aspects of our government that have made us the greatest nation in history. Are we being set up to accept the Anti-Christ's one-world system of government, because we can't elect a decent president of our own??? May God have mercy on us all, if that proves to be the case!!!

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