Saturday, August 15, 2020

Democrts Want To Intitutionalize Chaos In America

I can see only one reason for the blatant Democratic supporting of rampant chaos in American cities, today.  Never before in American history has there been such an obvious devide between the patriotic fervor of the two major political parties, and it seems 

that one party wants to promote their view of how to keep our nation strong, and safe from outside forces that wish to destroy our Constitutional form of government, and the other that seems to want to aid those very destructive forces, as if they have a more preferred alternative elseware.  And, I suspect I know where that alternative is!

The Democratic Party has long been a haven for"closet Socialists", who never wnted to admit that their views matched the principles of Karl Marx "Communist Manifesto", yet they felt a freedom to voice their advocacy of those same values.  Now, we see some of those same "closet Socialists" blatantly calling for policy changes that can only serve to make our nation less safe to live in, as if they want us to consider an  altrnative to living here!   But, they know most of us will not want to move to another country, so perhaps they can bring "another country" here, instead!  That "country" is being developed in Europe, right now.   It is the "One-World Socialist" government that Europe is trying to develope, but may be having difficulty getting others to join bcause they rightly fear that joining will hurt their trade relations with us.  So, it is in Europe's best interests to  enourage anything that will make America look bad, by comparrison to themselves.   All they need are some willing conspirators here to encourage destructive policies that are meant to destroy America from within, so Europe will seem more desirable to us!

That;s where the Democrats come in!  They would love to see America become a Socialist country, but realize, that we would never vote for that.  So, they want to make Amewrica seem so unlivable that we would consider our Constitution to be obsolete, and the new "One-World" system as preferable.    I maintain that it seems that George Soros' fingerprints seem to be all over this plan, as he has orchestrated such leftist chaos in other countries before!   While he encourges chaos in those countries, he buys top stock options "short", meaning he expects the value to drop soon, so he can buy them at a discount, and resell them at a profit, once the chaos ends, and the stocks recover their previous value!   I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he may now hold some of the "blue chip stocks"on Wall Street "short", now salivating over their precipitous decline in value, so he can rip off this country's wealth as he has done so many times, in other countries!  

So, what can we do to stop this chaotic assault on our nation's freedoms???  We can vote these Democrats out of office, in November, and send them to their new homes in Europe, and say good riddance to them all!!!  

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