Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Philosophical Slide To Destroy America's Values, Over The Past 200 Years!!!

It began in the early 19th century, while America was in "it's infancy", having recently won an astounding victory over the most powerful military force in the world, in it's Revolutionary War!  Much of the rest of the world was awed by the success of this brash young nation, and some philosophers began to search out the reasons for America's success, against seemingly overwhelming odds!!!  France was especially interested, having just overthrown their monarchy, and faced an international war with that same "most powerful military force"!!!

One such philosopher was Alexis De Tocqueville, who travelled to America, to study what made America so great that they could defeat Britain, with a bunch of farmers, with muskets, and little else!  His conclusion was summed up in his famous quote that,  "America is great because America is good.  When America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great!!!"

The simplistic truth of this quote has been proven out many times over the past 200 years, in wars against totalitarian forces, that wished to enslave America, or at least destroy it's ability to resist their efforts to conquer other more hapless nations!

Now, we have a philosophy that accepts the truth of  De Tocqueville's analysis, but twists it around to use it to defeat America's ability to resist it's effort to conquer the world!!!  It's called "Communism", and it's more diabolical, yet seemingly innocuous form, "Socialism", which has captured the hearts of  millions of poverty-stricken people around the world!!!  By implying a great revolution to enrich the poor of the world, it really intends to enslave us all, and give us a "tip", while taking all the rest of our wealth, for themselves!

The formula for doing so, is to simply turn De Tocqueville's quote around, and "make America bad again", (or, "cease to be good") which is why so many people who strive to bring this to pass are so hostile to President Trump's efforts to, "make America great again"!!!   To corrupt America's values, from the inside, will automatically bring about De Tocqueville's  threat that, "...America will cease to be great!!!"

I have written before that the primary method for accomplishing this corruption, is to capture the hearts of the children, and to convince their gullible minds that America is evil, and that Socialism is the only true hope of "peace and freedom" for the world !!!   The "Deep Staters" within the Department of Education have been trying to do just that for decades, and until we abolish that department, and let the various States decide what the curriculum should be for their students, we will continue to have the disunion in our society, that is tearing us apart!!!

The impediment for this to happen is the fear that reverting the authority to decide the curriculum back to the states may open the door for racial discrimination, like we had in the early part of the 20th century!!!   But, the risk of that must be balanced against the reality of all of our children being turned into "good little Socialists", and driving us into the Antichrist's "One-World" Socialist government!!!

 It is no coincidence that the values to, "make America great again" are promoted mostly by the adult generations, while the resistance comes mostly from the youth, and those who recently graduated from the very colleges that used to teach the very values that have made America great for centuries, but now promote  Socialism, on their campuses!!!  The open hostility to conservatism on the campuses today, is reflective of the Socialist, and Communist, view that in order to get people (especially children) to believe a lie, it must be repeated over, and over again, to the exclusion of all opposing views!!!   Therefore, promoting groups like "Antifa", which supposedly stands for Anti-fascism, but uses violent, fascist tactics to drive anti-socialist speakers off their campuses, is a necessary tool to keep our children from ever learning the truth!!!  This is so successful that it frequently takes years for these students to realize the lies they have been taught, for decades, and some (like Bernie Sanders) apparently never do!!!

The choice, folks, is up to us!!!   We can cruise along blissfully allowing our children to be raised by Socialist teachers, while we visit them briefly, at night, and over the weekends, or we can put a stop to this lunacy, and take back control  of our children's education, and throw these "Deep Staters" out of work, permanently!!!

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