Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Israel Is Stuck Between The Proverbial, "Rock And A Hard Place"!!!

Israel knows something about Proverbs!!!  The Book of Proverbs has lent much comfort to the people of Israel, for thousands of years, yet they find themselves, "up against it", once again!   What should Israel do???  If they don't retaliate against the unprovoked rocket launches from Syria, and the Gaza strip, they will face increased rocket attacks against their civilian population in the future!   But, their very retaliation will be used by the Palestinians, at some point in the future, as "justification" for the beginning of the prophecied "Gog/Magog" Middle-East invasion, that is foretold in the book of Ezekiel, in chapters 38, and 39!!!

Israel is just as "stupid" as I am, because we are all convinced that a Biblical Prophecy, given to the Prophet Ezekiel over 2500 years ago (with the stipulation that it would be withheld until the "latter days", just before the end of time) is about to unfold upon them!!!  I guess I am the greater fool, because I don't have rockets falling around me, providing evidence of the monstrous violence that the Palestinian terrorists intend for the Israelis, yet the rest of the world looks at Israel as if they are inviting this kind of violence, by simply trying to exist on their land!!!   It's hard for the Israelis to ignore the hateful violence that these terrorists project towards them, yet they are condemned for retaliating, in order to discourage more of the same!!!

What more can the terrorists do to Israel  besides an all-out invasion of Israeli territory, which is exactly what the Ezekiel Prophecy foretells???  The prophecy predicts a total victory for Israel, as the outcome, yet the painful effects of war, and the unnecessary loss of life, discourage the willful beginning of the conflict, on Israel's part!   The Palestinians, and their Russian instigators do not believe in this prophecy...yet,!!!  But, they will shortly!!!

 In the mean time,  I will continue on, proclaiming myself to be a blithering idiot, because I believe in a God who, "is the same, yesterday, today and forever", capable of predicting something that He is going to do thousands of years in the future, and then bringing it to pass,  regardless of the overwhelming hatred that the Russian, and Muslim world projects at God's chosen people!!!

 Soon. they will all know what happens to those who poke their fingers into, "the apple of God's eye"!!!   Praise the Lord!!!    

Just A Thought-- (2/25/20) [ A few Hours Later]:

Last Friday, I wrote some of my concerns that the "left-of-center", and not-at-all-neutral Federal Reserve (a non-government entity) might take it upon themselves to throw an election for the Democrats, which has been looking more and more like a potential run-away victory for President Trump, and the Republicans!!!  They did it before, when it looked like George Bush "Sr." was headed for reelection, but the Fed raised the bank rates, driving the markets into recession, and kept them high until Clinton won the election, scuttling it all!!!

I suspect that the sympathies of the Fed's directors lie more in line with the silicon valley corporations (i.e., with the European  "One-World" Socialist government movement), than with any American sense of patriotism.  The whole "Never-Trumpers" movement may have originated in that section of California, for all I know!  These companies must be salivating over the prospect of a Socialist government controlling the world's business markets, which has no problem accepting bribes to endorse control of large sections of the market to various preferred corporations!!!

I am not ready to proclaim the following as a certainty, but, consider the following:  As a Bible-believing Christian, I believe that certain so-called "Natural" events seem to serve the desired intentions of God, and therefore I have difficulty writing them off as mere "coincidence"!!!  Also, God has historically used natural disasters to serve His purposes, and has prophesied that He may do so again, when the "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel threatens to destroy that country, and it seems possible that a devastating earthquake may turn the invasion into a rout of the panic-stricken invaders!!!

Just perhaps (???), could He be using the Coronavirus out-break to cause the Directors of the Fed to withhold their suspected plans to raise interest rates, to drive the country into a recession???  They may want to create a recession, but I think their efforts would be recognized, and roundly condemned if they compounded the natural recession created by the fear of the disease, and turned it into a wholesale international depression, which could not be so easily blamed on Trump's policies!  So, this could be God's way of delivering us from the Fed's desire to meddle in the election (not for Russia's sake, but for the Democrats)!!!  (Refer to the Update in the middle of my post of 2/26/2020!)

We will know for sure, as we watch the spread of the disease around the world!  So far, America has been spared the worst of the out-break, which may have resulted from the careless handling of the virus' spores by the Chinese technicians in the Wuhan province, which is known to be developing biological warfare products!  (God has frequently turned the efforts of those who hate Him, and conspire to destroy His people, back on themselves, until they suffer the very disaster they intended for others!!!)

 If God continues to allow the American effort to stay ahead of the spreading disease, to be reasonably controlled, with few,  or even  no deaths,  while having a much more devastating effect upon those countries that hate us (like China, Iran, as well as other communist countries), then I guess the evidence will be pretty clear, except for those who belligerently refuse to accept that there is a God in control of things!!!

To borrow from President Trump's seemingly favorite expression:  We'll see!!!

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