Sunday, November 24, 2019

What's Going On In Iran???

Since I became convinced, over a decade ago, that the 2500 year-old prophecy written about in Ezekiel:  38, and 39 was possibly about to be fulfilled, I have been watching developments in Iran, as reported by the news networks.  I have been convinced that the present turmoil in that country does not conflict with the prophecy, but seems to confirm my suspicions!  Yet the President's preference for using sanctions to pressure belligerent nations to negotiate improved international behavior seems to be somewhat wasted upon Iran's government!!!

What should be effective, logically, is resisted by the very belligerence of the ruling Mullahs, who consider America to be the second worst nation in the world, behind only Israel, in what they consider to be "evil"!!!  But, I recently heard that some 50% of Iran's population is under age thirty, and large numbers of their youth have been educated in American universities for decades!  As American college students have been addicted to television from early childhood, I'm sure that many of these Iranian students picked up on the same addiction while they studied here!  By watching televised stories of typical American lifestyles, I'm sure that many American values became deeply rooted in these Iranian students' minds.  Therefore, a conflict is ingrained in them between their Muslim upbringing and the American values they may have adopted!  Consequently, they easily choose to violently protest the government's decisions that adversely effect them, as they are presently doing, in response to the government's decision to increase the price of gasoline by 50%!!!

Without a perceived alternative, American  economic sanctions can be most effective in  bringing rogue nations to negotiate terms of better behavior, in order to be granted relief from the sanctions.  The problem comes when these same rogue nations perceive, rightly, or wrongly, that they do indeed have a more preferable alternative to bowing to the pressure of American sanctions!

If, as I believe, Iran is being tempted by Russia's conceived plan to invade the rest of the Middle-East, probably to overthrow the Gulf states, and steal their oil reserves, in order to embargo the free world into caving to the Russian, and Muslim invaders' interests, the result of the pain of American sanctions will rather stimulate the beginning of such an invasion, which the Ezekiel prophecy says will be an invasion of Israel, because Israel is the only Middle-East power capable of blocking their invasion (which the prophecy assures they will do)!!!

So, while our experts suggest that the sanctions are having a positive effect upon Iran's government, it may be that the whole "Gog/Magog" war must be played out, before Iran is brought to the point of giving in to the desired effects of the sanctions!!!  At that point, it will not be the sanctions that brought them to the table, but God's intervention, to help Israel defeat Iran's invasion, that did it!!!

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