Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Spiritual Blindness: Those Who Call Good Evil, And Evil Good!!!

Jesus said, "By their fruits you shall know them."  The term "fruits" was used, contextually, to mean a combination of their spoken words, mixed with their consistent behavior, including all "unintended consequences" that result from their efforts.   Did their words and deeds measure up to good, or evil consequences???

Today, we have politicians falling all over themselves to declare their localities to be sanctuary cities, states, etc.!!!  But who are they trying to protect with their sanctuary declarations?  The lawful are already thoroughly protected by the very laws that they do not violate!  It is only the illegal acts of those who blatantly violate our federal and local laws, that need these absurd "sanctuary" protections from our state and federal prosecution.  Essentially, these sanctuary cities, and states, etc., are established to protect criminals from prosecution, or punishment for their crimes, at everyone else's expense!!!  The leftists believe that a crime infested society will drive the people to demand socialism, without considering that the socialists created the chaos that is the root cause of their society's problems.  And, the decades of brainwashing our children in public schools has left many to readily accept socialism as truth!!! So that's fine by the socialist politicians, as long as they can rip off the taxpayers to afford to insulate themselves from the personal effects of crime!!!  Like the wall around Nancy Pelosi's house, in San Francisco!!!

I have written before , that it is a well known doctrine of the left, that, as the communist slogan says, "out of chaos comes order".  But, the left confuse "order" with peace!!!  To them, it means that you and I stop doing what they don't like, PERIOD!!!!!!!!!  It does not mean that everyone obeys the law!!!  If the criminals keep running amok, like they're doing in California, that's fine by them!   But the conservatives had better stop complaining about it, because they don't like that!!!

Consequently, we have drug cartel members, and criminal gang members, mostly from Mexico, along with members of  foreign terrorist cells illegally entering our borders, and disappearing into our society, until they create their acts of criminal, or terrorist activity!!! Then the sanctuary laws attempt to allow them to escape prosecution, or suffer the all-expense paid "punishment" of being deported back to their home countries, from which they repeat the illegal trek back to create more havoc in our country.   Supposedly, the "sanctuary" supporters are merely concerned with their "compassion" for those who wish to immigrate to America, to escape the oppression of their home countries!  But they have legal ways of applying for that kind of asylum status, without illegally "crashing" our borders!  The criminal, and terroristic behavior that accompanies their sanctuary efforts is apparently not considered to be their responsibility, as they try to  divorce the one aspect of their efforts from the other!   Truly, they can not do so!!!

But my greatest concern is not for the politicians who institute these "sanctuary" laws across the country, but for the poor fools who support them, and continue to reelect them to their positions!!!  It matters not much whether they are simply unable to grasp the evil consequences of what they are supporting, or if they simply don't strongly consider the evil they are fomenting upon us all!!!  God will surely hold them accountable for the evil they support, intentionally, or not!!!

Let's pray that there are still enough righteous people in our country to vote down their evil  efforts, and save our nation from the blatant evil that these arrogant leftist politicians are fomenting upon us now!!!

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