Saturday, November 16, 2019

Attorney General Barr "Declares War On President Trump"!!!

So, what are you saying, Rick???  Are you claiming that the A.G. is willing to fight against the President??Not at all!!!  What he did was to put a correct title to the shameless sham the Democrats in the House of Representatives are conducting in their so-called "Impeachment Hearings", against the President!!!  Instead of declaring war, himself, he was correctly characterizing this process for the evil attempt to overthrow the President, not for any "high crimes and misdemeanors" that they can charge him with, but for the terrible indiscretion of, they just don't like him!!!  Where in the Constitution does it give power to the House to impeach a president, simply because they don't like him???

Attorney General Barr reminded us that for over 200 years the opposition party was referred to,  and rightly considered themselves to be, "the loyal opposition!!!  Any disloyal opponents would be in danger of committing Treason, for which the penalty was Death!!!  Alexander Hamilton tried to carry out such an execution upon Vice President Aaron Burr, unsuccessfully, after which (I think) Burr fled to the foreign country of Louisiana, which was then owned by France!   His crime had been attempting to overthrow the government, in a greedy power grab, such as we now see people like Adam Schiff doing today!!!  Perhaps a similar penalty should soon be applied, in this case!!!

The difference in this case, as I suppose, is not the intent of overthrowing the government, but the afterwards intention of sending the power of the people to the evil "One-World Government" system that the European Commonwealth is trying to establish!!!  This may not be evil in their original intentions, but the Bible prophecies that it will eventually be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, and that God will condemn all those who willingly participate in this system to an eternity in Hell!!!  After seven years they will all be so judged, when Jesus Christ returns to establish His Kingdom of Heaven On Earth!!!

 As difficult as this seems to be believed (and the "Globalists" apparently do not) never the less,  it will happen just this way, and those who don't believe it will have an eternity to regret their foolish choice!!!

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