Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Stop The Investigative Stall, And Begin The "Deep State" Prosecutions, Already!!!

The Left gave us the, "Russia, Russia, Russia" stall, and now the Republicans are giving us the, "Investigate, Investigate, Investigate" stall!!!  Bottom line is, a stall, is a stall, is a stall!!!  Get on with the D***n prosecutions, already!!!  Get these "Deep Staters" the H*** out of the White House, with a permanent "black mark" against their names, to keep them from ever being hired by any other bureaucracy, in the federal government, not because they have abused their positions against the Republican administration, but because their behavior should be illegal against any federal administration!!!

The D***n lawyers in the D.O.J. are probably dragging out this investigation as another stall technique, in the desperate hope that the Democrats will win in 2020, and put a stop to any real prosecution to rid ourselves of these anti-American "Deep Staters" running amok in our government, tying to block any effort at true legislation and execution of our laws!!!

I'm sick and tired of all these Leftist bureaucrats meddling in our government's functioning with leaks that seem to imply some illegal activity, that turns out to be mostly fabrication, and not illegal at all, and the leakers are allowed to continue working in the government, and getting paid, while they look for other things to leak, and twist into seemingly illegal acts that will likewise prove to be erroneous!!!  The investigators should concentrate on identifying the leakers, and prosecute them, now, instead of endlessly gathering evidence of their misbehavior, while doing nothing to stop them!!!  CLEAN UP THE D**N SWAMP, NOW, ALREADY!!!

Where the H**l is this D.O.J. Investigator General's report that we keep hearing about, that was supposed to be released "in September"???  How many years do we have to wait for the right "September" to roll around, for them to finally finish their "dad burned" investigation???  Obviously, we have too many D.O.J. lawyers in control of the investigation, who are enjoying their fat salaries, while trying to drag out  the investigation as long as they can!!!   Perhaps they should be the first to go, not for illegal "Deep State" activity, but for their legal incompetence to do their jobs, which is not intended to be endless!!!  There is no reason that the more obviously guilty can not begin to be prosecuted for obvious illegal activity, more to stop their behavior from continuing, than to punish them for their crimes, which will have the additional aspect of freezing the others from their illegal intentions, when they see others getting prosecuted for what they are considering themselves!!!

Bottom line!!!  Stop stalling and get on with the prosecutions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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