Saturday, April 7, 2018

Newt Gingrich: "We're In A Cultural Civil War"...

Gingrich feels the ideological split between Republicans and Democrats is so vast that it may be irreparable.  If that's so, it's because we no longer have a "loyal opposition" party in the Democrats, who lost the election in 2016. 

My position, which I have written about before, may seem a little extreme to those who are not familiar with End Times Prophecy, or who are merely not convinced that we are in the beginning of that prophetic period.  The whole purpose of this blog is awaken the seemingly "comatose" Christians who prefer to believe that all they need to do is their daily Bible study, and prayer, and Church attendance, and everything will continue as it has.  The concept of End Times prophecies is somewhat confusing, so they may prefer to assume it relates to a time hundreds of years in the future.  The thought that a 2500 year old prophecy may be about to be fulfilled, perhaps makes them feel uncomfortable, and they might rather just dismiss it all.

Now, we have the Democratic party that is not only upset about losing the election, but it is trying to reverse the election results through the most absurd investigations, and absurd efforts to bring "impeachment" charges against Trump, not because he is guilty of anything, but simply because they dislike him.  And the more they investigate him, the more they simply uncover evidence of their own Russian collusion, and illegal "Deep State" tactics within the F.B.I., and the Department of Justice.

We used to have a concept of the "loyal  opposition" in this country, where the party members of the losing ticket would delineate between their disappointment at losing, and their desire to harm the country as a whole, with their Congressional voting, simply to make the winning administration look bad.  We used to have two parties, with differing views of how best to serve our country.  Now, we have one party that is trying to help the nation as a whole, and the other party that is trying to subvert their efforts, any way they can.  The nation's welfare is absolutely irrelevant to them.  If the country is weakened by their efforts, that is acceptable to them, because they hate the Constitution, and will blame any weakness on the "tired old document" that they consider to be irrelevant, today.  They want us to voluntarily repeal it so we will join in the European plan to bring the whole world into their concept of a One-World Socialist government, which is their "best hope" for peace and prosperity for everyone!

This is not a bad idea, except for one thing.  All the power will eventually rest in the hands of one person!  And we know that, "...Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power tends to corrupt, absolutely!!!"  Only Jesus Christ can deal with such power, without becoming a meglo-maniacle tyrant, as the Devil's Antichrist will become when he takes over the European 13-nation Confederation, that is prophecied to develop out of this effort.  Jesus Christ will give them 7 years, before their misguided efforts become so evil, that He will return to set up His Kingdom of Heaven on earth!  And, three guesses where the rest of these One-World Socialists will spend the rest of eternity, afterwards???

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