Monday, April 30, 2018

Is It Really About Diplomacy, And Painful Sanctions, Or Are We Being "Gamed"???

Somehow, I just can't quite believe that North Korea's Kim Jung Un has had a total change of heart, and now wants to be a good guy, and get along with everyone, while he denuclearizes his nation.  Have the sanctions we have placed upon his country really forced this total reversal of his hegemonistic belligerence?  Or, are we being "gamed", into believing he is sincere, when he really wants to stall us with some endless negotiations, which will take our eyes off of the Middle-East, long enough for Russia, and their Muslim allies to move into the area, and make a solid foothold before anyone awakens to what their real intentions are?

Thank God for President Trump, and thank God that Mike Pompeo has been (finally) confirmed as Secretary of State, before the negotiations begin in earnest.  Trump is a serious negotiator, thankfully not a diplomat, or "smarmy" politician (Obama!), who will sell out his country for an appearance of negotiated settlement, without any real substance to it, just so they can receive electoral "brownie points" (Democrats!), at the expense of international safety.  Mike Pompeo is a brilliant security analyst, who can be expected to see through any "gamesmanship" antics that we can reasonably expect from the likes of North  Korean negotiations, and his recent tenure as director of the C.I.A. has surely informed him of the real status of North Korea's Nuclear development program, so they won't be able to  get away with any denial of true conditions.  

I admit to a rather myopic view of international relations, now days.   Since I have gone on record as believing that the 2500-year-old prophecy of the "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, and Israel, in particular, is rapidly unfolding before our eyes, I tend to view every new development in terms of it's potential effect upon  this scenario.  It is undeniable that Russia has tremendous influence upon North Korea, perhaps even more than that of China, and I have written that I wouldn't be surprised to find that Russian pressure has brought North Korea to the negotiating table, and if I am correct, one can bet there is no sincerity to negotiate truthfully, but it is merely a ploy to distract America, to keep us from coming to Israel's aid.  Fortunately, God is even more able to help Israel than America's military could ever be, and He will turn the invasion into a panicked retreat, that will lead to a battle between those who retreat, and those who try to stop it, leading to the decimation of 83 and 1/3rd% of their invasion force.   I suspect that any denuclearization that North Korea agrees to will be backed up by Russian promises to supply them with Russian missiles, once they have taken over the entire Middle-East, and placed the western nations under an excruciating oil embargo that will keep us from trying to stop any Russian mischief.  There is only one problem with their plans.  They have to win the war against Israel first, and God's prophecy makes it clear that that will not happen!!!

After the "Gog/Magog" war, God prophecies that He, "will send fire (Nuclear?) upon "Magog" (presumed to be Russia), and upon a nation described in terms that many scholars believe to be America.  Russia will defend itself by going under ground (probably in their subway systems) for a thousand years ( perhaps they have developed the means to feed and protect large segments of their population, under ground), until the "Nuclear Half-Life" expires.

America's defense will be much better if, as I believe, their is ample Biblical evidence to expect the "Rapture" of the Lord to occur before any missile blasts descend upon us!  I have heard many preachers are expecting the greatest revival in history to begin at any time, which would coincide with my reading of scriptures perfectly!  Historically, every major revival since the sixteenth century has been followed by the most gut-wrenching wars of our nation, and this would certainly be the "grand-daddy" of them all!!!

"Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!!!"

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