Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"They're" At It Again...!!!

I can't guess who in Russia seems to take so much unusual interest in my Blog, whenever I write something about "Russia", as I did last week, speculating that Russian officials might be behind the insanely pugnacious belligerence of the North Korean government, with their refusal to stop their testing of  nuclear explosions, and I.C.B.M. missiles, including the last missile that they sent over Northern Japan.   Are these people merely Russian civilians that take a special interest in anything written about their country, and published on the internet?  Or is the Russian government concerned that I have a 'Source" of  "secret information" that may be leaking secrets to me, about their plans to invade the Middle-East, especially Israel???  I speculated that Russia might be pressuring their long-time ally, North Korea, to bluff America with an even more apparently imminent threat, merely to distract our interest, while they carry out their preparations for the Middle-East invasion, spoken of  in Ezekiel: 38, and  39.

Whomever it may be, (my Blog server informed me that a significant jump in "pageviews", originating from Russia, occurred after I published that post, and the greatest interest was for that post, specifically)  I can assure them that my "source" is the Bible, and it is hardly a "secret", as I base my opinions on a prophecy that was given to the Prophet Ezekiel (in chapters 38, and 39) about 2500 years ago, for the "Latter Days", which I believe we may be in now, or at least may be approaching soon.  Plus, all the actions of Russia, and their prophecied allies during the invasion seem to be consistent with preparations for just such an invasion,   All the details I have been "privy" to are available to anyone who has a Bible, and can read.  My only "secret" qualification is that I can actually believe what I read!!!  If they did too, then perhaps there would be no invasion, since it is prophecied to end disastrously for them, not Israel!!!

I wrote about the unusual interest in my "Russia posts", before, which immediately ended the interest, for about a month.  I guess they thought that their interest was too much of a blatant confirmation that I was on to something, whatever my source.  I guess they felt that they were too interested to contain themselves, any more.  (Seems like we're talking about three-year-olds, doesn't it!?!  "Kids with guns", or worse... with I.C.B.M.s, and nuclear warheads!!!)

I don't believe these people are stupid, no matter how insipid their collective behavior.  I also believe there is virtually no chance that they will repent of their foolishness in going through with their plans, even though they realize that "someone" (as if I am the only person that can read this prophecy!!!) is aware of their plans.  God says, in the prophecy, that he will put, "hooks in 'Gog's' jaws" (Putin???), to turn him towards the Middle-East (the imagery of a horse being turned by a bridle's bit, which is frequently shaped like "hooks", in a horse's jaw).   I don't see God allowing him to change his mind, certainly not for the crazy ramblings of some wacko Christian Blog writer ( as I wrote previously, "...That can easily be dismissed as a lunatic"). 

Mia Culpa!  If believing that the Bible speaks truth (and all you have to do is believe it) , if that constitutes lunacy, in their book, fine!  I guess I stand, "Guilty as charged!"  But, some day (perhaps soon!)  we will see who is the actual "Lunatic", and I don't fear the final assessment of that point!!!

UPDATE:    Another interesting thought...!

Since China has already said that they would hold North Korea responsible, if they attacked American territory first, and that they would also hold America responsible if they made a "preemptive" strike against North Korea, perhaps that is the real goal of the North Koreans.  Perhaps North Korea is "baiting"  America, in an effort to force us into attacking them first, so that maybe China will unload their nuclear I.C.B.M. missiles upon us.   North Korean officials probably believe  (wrongly) that they could hunker down in their hardened bunkers, and survive a retaliatory strike by America.  And they have already proven that they couldn't care less about their civilian population,  which they routinely starve while devoting most of their trade profits to developing their weapons programs.   I'm sure the Chinese, and the Russians, would love to see us get the snot beat out of us, and China is so overpopulated, now, that they might feel a little nuclear exchange might make their society more livable, while opening the doors to any Middle-East incursion that Russia might contemplate, without the risk of American retaliation.  Russia would then "only" have to concern itself with Israel, which they probably think their Muslim allies could handle.

Really???  Guess again folks!!!  The Bible states clearly that Israel will destroy 83 1/3rd% of the combined Russian/Muslim Allied Invasion Force!!!

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