Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Left's "Deep State" Has Us In Deep Sh**!!!

America is in "deep doggie do-do", right now, and we need to extricate ourselves from it quickly!  And all this cr*p about Russian collusion, to throw the election, is merely the other side's attempt to throw the suspicion off of themselves, where it truly belongs.   Between the corruption in the F.B.I., Justice Department, and the morass of corruption that seems to be left over from Hillary Clinton's tenure in the State Department, there is a plethora of "deep state" obstruction of justice that is almost nauseating to behold.  There are probably a lot of "deep staters" in many other federal bureaucracies, but there ability to harm our Constitutional rule of Law is considerably less dire at the moment. 

Talk about "Conspiracy Theories"!!!  The left regularly ridicules anyone who suggests that they might be true, in order to try and throw suspicion off of their true intentions. but the evidence is growing to the point where it is almost ridiculous to deny the obvious!!!  Today, we have revelations that former  F.B.I. Director James Comey  prepared his statement exonerating Hillary Clinton, in her E-mail investigation, which he immediately closed down, even though some seventeen witnesses had been yet to testify!  That constitutes obstruction of justice, in my book, and I think he should be serving time in jail for it!

Hillary should be serving time herself, for her own obstruction charges, but the Justice Department refuses to release documents to the public, concerning her E-mail scandal, and her illegal attempts to cover it all up, sighting a "lack of public interest"!  What???   Are you kidding me???  I  understand there is a natural reluctance to criminally prosecute a former First Lady,  but the proponents of the Left seem to need an example of what to expect when they "commit the crime..."!  Besides we're not dealing with the Obama Department of Justice any more; Attorney General  Jeff  Sessions  needs to remember who he is working for (and I don't mean Donald Trump!  I mean the American people!!!).  Perhaps all this leaking of classified info. to the leftist media is merely because the "Deep State" bureaucracy believes that they are so well entrenched that they are immune from prosecution.

Well,  President Trump disproved that theory by getting Congress to pass a law making it easier to fire incompetent, and even malicious bureaucrats in the Veteran's Administration.  The scandal of incompetence in that agency had reached a point where even Democrats were afraid to vote against that bill.  When the level of incompetence in other agencies gets to the point where constituents around the country demand that their Congressional representatives pass laws making it easier to fire incompetent bureaucrats in those agencies, perhaps the Federal Government will trash the Government Employees' Union Contract that makes it so impractical to try and fire an employee, that it is virtually impossible.   Even shutting down the Government is worth the struggle to get rid of that piece of legal trash!!!

Bottom line is, we've got to get rid of these incompetent, and even malicious bureaucrats, no matter what agency they work for!  It would be nice if we could impeach all of the Obama appointees to the Federal Judgeships, but I guess we're stuck with them, and their endless efforts to block all of Trump's agenda.  While we wait desperately for these Socialist bast*rds to die off, since they are legally appointed for life, the best we can do is support Trump's efforts to appoint more Constitutionally "Strict Constructionists" to other Judicial positions.  This sounds like a long-haul job,  I'll admit.  But it may take years to undo the malicious meddling of Barak Obama, the Clintons, and their ilk!  I guess that's what we get for electing a man to the presidency, who studied Constitutional Law, apparently with the intent of understanding how to subvert the Law, rather than to uphold it, as he was sworn to do!!!

May God save us from electing another one like him!!!

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