Friday, August 4, 2017

Why Would Russia Need It's Own Army, To Invade?

By their alliance with Iran, Russia has set themselves up to begin their Middle-East invasion (prophecied to happen in Ezekiel 38, & 39) almost entirely with their ally's "surrogate army", plus some advanced Russian technology.  I suppose their invasion could progress quite well with Iranian troops doing most of the "dirty work" while Russia calmly organizes their own troops, and flies them into their recently acquired air force base in northern Syria, to be a second wave of reinforcements to "mop up" their conquest of Israel, and probably begin to proceed on to their real goal of conquering the oil fields of Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf States in the region.  Iran would be ecstatic over the opportunity to finally drive Israel "into the Mediterranean Sea", with all the genocidal implications of Hitler's "Final Solution"!  They have been proclaiming their desire to do so for decades!

Iran already has enough troops to seriously threaten Israel, spread throughout Syria, and their comparative proximity to Israel makes them capable of mounting an invasion at any time, with sufficient immediate reinforcements that Russia would not need to rush their troops to the front, immediately.  This could give the international news media time to get used to calling this the "Iranian invasion of Israel" (though the Bible makes it clear that Russia is the real instigator, here).   It would probably succeed, too, except for their own murderous greed, issued in the form of a Poison Gas attack (which seems to be described in the Ezekiel prophecy),  and the subsequent release of Israel from any responsibility to retaliate in kind (probably with neutron nuclear aerial bombardments, and artillery barrages!).  Both the Poison Gas attack , and the neutron nuclear retaliation would be technical violations of international treaties (so much for the value of international law!!!), and Israel could not legitimately be held responsible, though I'm sure the world will try to condemn them, anyway!  (I guess Israel is supposed to meekly stand by while their entire population is murdered!!!)

Anyway, the Bible clearly says that Israel will be overwhelmingly victorious, eventually destroying up to 83 1/3rd % of their enemies' invasion force, while there is little evidence of Israeli casualties written about in the prophecy.  (The Poison Gas attack will fail because Israel has been giving out gas masks to their people for decades, precisely because of God's prophetic warning, written some 2500 years ago!!!)   Israel will be busily "burning" the weapons of their enemies ( Tanks and trucks, etc. made of composite wood, which Russia is rumored to have developed, because of it's stronger and more flexible properties than steel!!!).  This will be such a huge project that Israel will not need to cut down any trees for wood fuel, for seven years!  (Is this the seven-year "Tribulation Period"???)

It would seem logical that their victory (which God says will be His way of showing the whole world that he still lives, and that he will not turn his back on Israel any longer) might be the impetus for the prophecied regathering of all the "Diaspora Jews" from around the world, to return to the Holy Land!!!
For more on my musings of the prophetic consequences of this invasion, check out my posts in the archives column to the right of this page for the dates of : (6/5/'13), (6/6/'13), (6/10/'13), (6/14/'13),  (6/22/'13), (6/26'13), (7/6/'13), (8/25/'13), (7/26/'13), (1/30/'14), (2/1/'14), (4/10/'14), (5/14/'14),  (7/11/'14), (7/25/'14), (1/26/'15), (3/27/'15), ((4/14/'15), (4/23/'15), (6/8/'15), (9/6'15), (9/16/'15),  (10/8/'15),  (12/11/'15), (12/28/'15),  (4/21/'16), (8/16/'16), (3/12/'17), (4/7/'17), (5/28/'17), (6/27/'17).

(Gosh!  Do I seem a bit obsessed with this prophecy!???  Oh well...)

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