Friday, August 11, 2017

Since Congress Won't "See The Light"...

...Make them "feel the heat"!!! (as Ronald Reagan so succinctly put it!)

Okay...!  So, it seems impossible for Congress to manage to "Repeal, and Replace" Obamacare???  Fine!!!   That leaves two things for President Trump to do:  1)  get a business friendly tax cut (especially for small businesses, and for the middle class, who depend the most upon them for jobs) passed through Congress, as quickly as possible... and,  2)  make an Executive Order rescinding Congress' exemption from having to pay 72% of their premiums for their insurance coverage under "Obamacare".   In that order!!!

It's abundantly clear that the Democrats will not vote to "Repeal and Replace", under any circumstances!  Neither will the two Democrats that are "hiding in (Republican) clothing"; Collins of Maine, and (whatshername) from California.  So, Trump must concentrate his efforts on getting a tax cut passed, while the moderate Republicans think they have him fooled into believing they are really trying to pass his agenda.  Once they realize he knows he must consider them enemies to his agenda, they will openly resist passing any of it!  And, as long as they are exempt from "Obamacare's" financial pain, they will not repeal it, since Trump would never exempt them from any replacement.    But, after a truly beneficial tax cut is safely passed in time to save their Republican majority in Congress, with the 2018 elections drawing closer daily, he can safely rescind their Obama-era exemption, which will leave Congress no choice but to "Repeal and Replace" Obamacare,  since their premiums will sky-rocket, worse than everyone else's.   He must get the tax cut passed first, though, because after he rescinds the Congressional exemption, he can bet that the Democrats, and the moderate Republicans would love to resist him on any other legislation he proposes, simply out of revengeful bitterness.   They could care less how anything harms the people, they just want to "stick it to him" out of their own bitterness!!!  But, if the tax cut is in place, and they are forced to replace "Obamacare" because it will hurt them, if they don't,  the effects on the economy , and the people will probably be enough for the Republicans to maintain control of Congress, in 2018.  Afterwards, the gratitude of the constituents will be evident enough for even the bitterest Congressman, or woman (except Congresswoman Maxine Waters, of California; who is a blithering idiot, anyway) to legitimately get on board with the rest of his agenda,  with 2 more years to put it in place before he needs to worry about his own reelection, in 2020.

This type of Congressional manipulation should not be necessary, but with an appalling lack of true statesmen in Congress, today, and all those self-serving demagogues trying to perpetuate their "cushy jobs" (no matter how much they hurt the country) President Trump must show that he can out-devious those devious sons-of-you-know-what that he is forced to work with.  After a rebound of the economy, and a resumption of high employment, due to 8 years of Trump's agenda at work, perhaps enough of  the less sophisticated voters will see clearly enough to throw these rascals out of office, and elect some real statesmen, and women, to the Congresses of the future.  Perhaps President Pence will have a much better relationship with Congress, if they do!!!

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