Monday, May 9, 2016

Is "Google" Cooperating With Muslim Beheadings Of Christians???

Is this just my own personal paranoia, or do I really have cause for concern here???

Every time I write something that could easily be taken as "offensive" to either Muslims, or to the Kremlin, in Russia, I seem to spark interest in my location, from my Blog server. What a coincidence!!! But, it's too frequent to not be at least mildly concerned for my own personal safety.

My Blog server is a derivative of a parent company that is, in turn, owned by Google. I have intentionally given minimal personal information to my Blog server, simply because my ability to express my opinions freely is important, since I intend to deal with issues that are not popular, especially in countries that do not respect Free Speech. Neither Russia, nor countries that are dominated by large Muslim populations have great appreciation for the concept of free speech. Whenever I write about issues that Muslims might disagree with, the statistical breakdown of my readership shows more interest from Russia, than even the United States. In fact, the Muslim population within Russia, to say nothing about the former Soviet satellite countries that are Russia's neighbors, are extensive enough to cause suspicion for their apparent interest in my Blog, especially when I write something potentially "offensive" to Muslims, worldwide. I suppose it would be easier to get along with people, if I didn't take offense to such practices as the beheading of Christians, and others who have the terrible temerity to disagree with the tenants of Islam! I suppose it would be easier if I allowed that Muslims have the "right" to carry out their bloody retributions, simply because their Koran not only allows this, but actually encourages this kind of treatment for those who dare to call their faith to question on this. But, I do not, and never will believe that they have any "right" to murder those who simply disagree with their faith. In this country, at least, we have supposedly been given the right to express our outrage verbally about such treatment. If Google, and it's subsidiaries feel it's more important to protect the feelings of their complainants (I guess for fear of offending their Muslim clients around the world), than protecting my safety, so be it!!!

Every time I write something potentially offensive to Muslims, like my previous post (two days ago), I seem to get a message from my Blog server saying they want to know where my "physical location" is. As I only get this message when I write something that may be offensive to Muslims (like they should not be allowed to behead those who disagree with them [how rude of me!]), I have to conclude that they are responding to complaints of those who find my opinions distasteful. I further conclude that if I gave my location to them, they would quickly pass that information to whomever might be complaining about me. It would not be that difficult for them to send their international Jihadi terrorists to my front door, to politely ask me to refrain from expressing my opinions, or to behead me for refusing. I wonder which is more likely?!!

I am not afraid to be beheaded for writing my opinions that are largely based upon Biblical Prophecy, so if they really fear my writings that much, go for it! My reward for being beheaded for my faith is clearly expressed in the Bible, along with God's promise to punish those who harm His people thusly, lest they repent. But, if Google, or my Blog server really think I'm stupid enough to actually make it easier for them to find me, they should think again! Contrary to the opinions of some, there are very real limits to my stupidity! And, that goes beyond even my limitations, thank you very much!

So, if my "regular" readers find an unusually long period of no postings on my Blog, they may find news stories about my head being used for a basketball (I have previously been accused of having too much rubber between my ears, anyway). Then, I guess they'll have to get my next post from heaven, if I'm not too busy (praising the Lord) to care, up there!

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