Thursday, February 5, 2015

Putin: "Promises Are Like Pie Crusts; They Are Made To Be Broken"

The above quote I've admittedly incorrectly attributed to Russian President Vladimir Putin, when it was more famously spoken by his predecessor of the same first name, Russia's favorite son, "Nicolai" Lenin. But Putin has made the Russian practice of signing treaties in order to buy time to establish his treachery into an art form. First, in 1994, he agreed to respect the Ukranian borders, if the Ukraine would surrender the nuclear missiles that Russia left when they withdrew from the Ukrainian territory, and respect the Ukrainian independence. We can see how honest his intentions were then with the fighting that is going on there now. And the recent cease-fire agreement that lasted about a month can be attributed to Putin's need for time to re-supply his proxy fighters, who are most likely made up of Russian army soldiers, in generic battle fatigue uniforms, with figure-head rebel "commanders", who probably relay orders that are issued directly from the Kremlin. Yes, we see how reliable Putin's word is when he signs a treaty agreement. That's when his adversaries should begin to "head for the hills". Trouble is sure to follow.

Meanwhile, back at the "Pink House", which used to be called the White House, our diplomatic President with his cowardly foreign policy is "strongly considering" sending "defensive weapons" to the Ukraine, but no decision will be made before next week. I thought all weapons were used for both offensive and defensive purposes, depending on the mindset of the user. But I suppose Obama has figured out some way of discriminating between offensive and defensive weapons, that simply escapes me. Anyway, why has it taken him so long to come to the obvious conclusion that the Ukrainian armed forces needed to be supplied with weapons capable of defeating the second most advanced army in the world, which was supplying arms to their proxy "Rebels"? What does it take for this administration to catch a clue? There is already a Russian/Western Allies proxy war going on. It's just being fought by one side, while the other side is sitting on it's diplomatic hands, rather than be seen wringing them in cowardly indecision. At some point the diplomats have to be told to "sit down, and shut up" or pick up a gun, before it's too late!

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