Monday, February 16, 2015

Copenhagen Terrorism "Not Linked" To Islamic Terrorism- RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where do these Leftist Political Idiots come from??? The Copenhagen shooter may have been a "Lone Wolf" Terrorist, but to say there was no real connection to Islamic hatred of Jews is absurd to the point of the ridiculous! This is the general point that Denmark's Premier was apparently trying to make in her recent press conference, and I can understand why she would bend over backwards to try and avoid violent backlashes from outraged citizens, but to imply that these shootings had nothing to do with anti-Semitic terrorism is ridiculously moronic. I realize that the larger Muslim populations in many European countries makes their leaders tread lightly for fear of Sectarian revenge violence, but give us a credibility break, here. The shooter went on a rampage in a Jewish Synagogue, for crying out loud. Do you really think that was a random target? Get real!!!

Pardon my tendency to suspect Leftist conspiracies, but there does seem to be a lot of Leftist denial of the obvious when it comes to Islamic Terrorism. President Obama has been leading the way in this regard, to the utter embarrassment of his military advisors, in the Pentagon. One has to wonder if he is really concerned with a potential race war, between whites (who are predominantly Christian, at least "nominally" speaking), and Blacks (many of whom claim to be "Muslim", perhaps because Christianity appears to them to be the "White Man's Religion"). First, don't tell that to the millions of Black Christians in this country, and world wide; and second, where is Obama's concern for their interests as well as those of the Black Muslims? He seems to have taken sides, himself, and that not based upon race, but religious belief. Thirdly, if Christianity is so abhorrent to Blacks, because of the connection to white slave owners of the past, why is it logical for them to embrace the religion of the Arab slave traders, who sold their ancestors to the white men in the first place. He can't have it both ways; either this is a war based on religious beliefs, or it's not. So far, it looks to me as if it is, and they're the ones who are winning. And I believe a large part of the reason is because of the international politicians that are going out of their way to apologize for their blatant barbarity, and try to get us to believe that this is anything but the obvious. A war against all those who refuse to believe that Islam is the "one true religion"; Jews, and Bible-believing Christians especially.

Is there really a "Bilderberger conspiracy" of extremely wealthy Bankers, and Industrialists, who imagine that they are so intelligent that they can pressure national governments to follow their dictates, even when it violates their own sovereign nations' laws? I believe that it is entirely possible, and that the influx of illegal immigration in many countries around the world may be the result of one of these social engineering experiments gone awry. This political double-talk to try and get us to believe an obvious lie is perhaps their way of trying to smooth over their judgmental blunder.

But take heart, God is still in control, even when man's best efforts run amok. For instance, we would normally be gravely concerned about recent reports of I.S.I.S. recruiting large numbers of western volunteers to join their ranks. But, if one believes that God is setting the world up for a Middle-East invasion, it makes sense that He would cause all the anti-Semitic wackos of the world to flock to their aide so he can cause their own disharmony to bring about their destruction, to the tune of 83%, as I have many times proclaimed. They think they are gathering to destroy Israel, but God may be planning to turn their own violent natures against each other (see Ezekiel 38, & 39). Check it out, and, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!

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