Friday, January 9, 2015

Police Can't Stop Jihadists; But God Can...And Will!!!

I awoke this morning to find two hostage situations percolating in France, with the French police surrounding the well-armed Muslim Jihadists and waiting to negotiate the release of several hostages, or for the permission from their superiors to storm the buildings and kill the perpetrators, if they won't surrender. I listened to the media discussions of how "we" (meaning the authorities) can combat this relatively new form of international terrorism. Every expert offered very reasonable suggestions as to how to put an end to this insanity, with just one problem. They won't work!

This is exactly what Jesus meant when He said that our weapons can not be limited by carnal, or earthly principles. This warfare is of a spiritual nature and it will only be handled by spiritual means, when we have finally had enough of trying to fix it ourselves, by reasoning with wholly unreasonable people. You can not reason with someone that desperately wants to commit "suicide-by-cop", (which they consider to be "martyrdom"),and feels that taking as many innocent lives with them as they can will be credited to them as bonuses, when they get to their false concept of "Paradise", and meet their "72 virgins" who await them. It would serve them right if their "virgins" all turned out to be shriveled-up, ninety-year-old hags with warts on there noses, and endlessly nagging, and complaining dispositions, who would be frigid if they weren't so ugly as to turn their stomachs!!! Unfortunately, for them, their "Paradise" will certainly turn out to be what we Christians call Hell, and their situation will be much worse than the ugliest, nagging "virgin" could conceivably make it.

So, how do we combat this form of terrorism? The answer is simple. We don't, but Jesus will, when we've finally had enough of trying to do it ourselves, and failing miserably. We are witnessing a turning point for all of Humanity, whether to place our trust in God to deliver us from our own, collectively evil ways, or to reject Him and rely upon the feeble efforts of our Governments, which will only become more, and more internationally oppressive in an effort to combat our own evil, which is directed by Satan, and is spiritual in nature. The only way to finally end this evil is to call upon the One who has already defeated Satan, upon the cross and is merely waiting for all those who will receive His Lordship, to do so. In the meantime, we will see an increase in this kind of chaos, which Satan intends to use to demoralize us with, but God intends to use to show the world that we are desperately in need of a Holy, and all-powerful God to finally put an end to our evil ways. And He will, and very soon! First, (and I'm sorry to keep harping on the same issue, but) I can't help but see all this as leading up to the invasion of the Middle-East, because that will be God's way of revealing Himself to a largely unbelieving world, when He uses the unbridled hegemonistic greed of whomever is the Russian leader He refers to as "Gog", and I am convinced that he is referring to none other than Vladimir Putin, to believe that he can take over the Arab oil fields, to hold them hostage until the rest of the world submits to his authority. To do this he needs two things; first, he needs an unresponsive America, which is presently guaranteed with our yellow-bellied president having two more years to not be able to recognize the difference between evil, and good. Then he needs to neutralize Israel, which presents the only military threat to block his invasion of the Middle-East. So, if he can bring about a temporary truce between the warring factions who bitterly hate each other, but collectively hate Israel more, he can preoccupy Israel with their own self-defense, while he invades the Arab Gulf states, to take over their oil supplies. I suspect that God intends for this to be His way of bringing all the Muslim combatants into one area, so He can turn their hate-mongering ways against themselves, dissolving Putin's delicate treaty and turning their hatred against each other, until they've slaughtered up to 83% of their invasion force, in a panicked retreat. Russia's army will be so decimated by this that their leader (whether Putin survives, or not) will order a nuclear first strike against us, forcing our retaliation, and God's intervention in the form of his rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ around the world, before the missiles actually strike. Thus He will have revealed Himself to the unbelieving world, when it's too late for any but the Israeli Jews, who will have to endure another seven years of world-wide persecution, until Jesus returns to save them from Armageddon, perhaps after the children of the Muslim combatants destroyed in the Ezekiel 38, & 39 invasion have reached combative age, and seek Jihadist revenge for the deaths of their fathers. Then Jesus will finally put an end to their horrible evil ways, and establish his thousand-year millennial Kingdom. Until then, we can expect that man's best efforts will only douse the flames of terrorism locally, only to find them smoldering elsewhere.

What can we do about it? We can pray! And that begins with the calling upon Jesus to forgive us of all our sins, as stated in the heading under this Blog's Title. (see above) Then we will be that much closer to His solution to all our problems. How ironic that Hitler's "final solution" was to try and murder all the world's Jews, but Jesus' truly final solution will be to save them all!

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