Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Freedom Of Speech Has A Huge Cost

We've all seen the Red Neck Bumper-sticker philosophy slogan: "Freedom isn't free!", with an American flag pictured next to it, probably promoted by the N.R.A., or some other hyper-patriotic organization. My purpose is not to refute that slogan, but to expound upon it. Specifically, with regards to the concepts of freedom of speech, and of the Press, which are both preeminent guarantees of the American Constitution, as expressed famously in the First Amendment, of what has come to be known as the "Bill of Rights". We Americans often take these guarantees of our freedoms for granted, having lived our whole lives with their presumptive authority protecting us all. But these guarantees do not extend to the citizens of other nations, who do not reside within our boarders, unless their governments have vowed to uphold similar Constitutions, with likewise similar guarantees for their citizens.

Now, we are witnessing the struggle in France today, between those who presume these guarantees for all, and those who desire to restrict them. In the name of their false god, "Allah", which does not exist, and based upon the false teachings of their supposed prophet, they feel that they have the right, and according to these teachings, even the responsibility to restrict everyone else's freedom of speech, and their ability to print opinions they disagree with. Islam, like any other false religion, or cult, can not long exist, or prosper in a truly free society; it must, by it's very nature stamp out freedom of speech, especially within the mass-produced press, and the whole Media in general. It is a religion that seeks to enslave it's followers, and murder the rest of us, in order to ensure it's preeminence around the world. And, of course, the ultimate enslavement comes when their proponents commit "suicide by cop, or enemy soldier" and go to their supposed reward of 72 virgins, waiting for them in "Paradise", only to discover they are eternally locked in Hell, alone, except for the taunting voices of Demons, as they feel the pain of their "flesh" continually roasting in the Hellish fires, with their "internal organs" being eternally eaten of parasites. Of course, since they will not have any bodies to be consumed, they will merely experience the eternal pain, provided by God for their reward for their earthly behavior.

We, on the other hand can expect that if we are "martyred", which is another word for "murdered", having placed our faith in Jesus, as our Lord and Savior, we will immediately be "absent from the body, and present with the Lord" whom we know is residing in Heaven, and will soon bring Heaven down to a newly created Earth. This is the confidence of Christianity, and the great difference between us and those whom Satan has deluded into thinking they are doing their god a favor by killing those who disagree with them. One can only have pity for those who've bought into these lies of the Devil, and thrown their eternal souls away in the foolish belief that God will reward them for their evil ways. He will, but not at all the way they are expecting Him to!!!

For those who are not yet committed to either side in this conflict, they must at some point realize that freedom is not the same thing as license, and free speech does not give someone the "right" to express his immoral inclinations publicly, if they are oppressively offensive to others. Pornography, and Abortion are not Constitutionally guaranteed aspects of free speech, even as extended into the concept of "freedom of expression" (a concept that is not contained in the Constitution, no matter how many revered Supreme Court Justices pretend that it is so). They may be regrettably protected by a foolishly deluded voting populace, but the cost for this twisting of a righteous concept into a foolish lie will someday turn against that society in apparently unrelated forms, such as we see enveloping the Liberal states of western Europe, and the chaos that their values have brought upon them. They foolishly believe that protecting the "rights" of printed "rags", like "Charlie Hebdo", is the same thing as standing up for free speech. It's not. While these trashy publications may be legal, they should be driven out of business, by lack of interest, and poor sales, not by murdering those who publish them. It's a testimony to the weak social condition of the people of western Europe that they can not distinguish between the need for self-restraint, and the "rights" of offended parties to murder those who offend!

I have no doubt that God has allowed the people of France to bring about His preliminary judgment for their twisted form of morality by allowing them to accept the immigration of a people (namely, the North African Muslims), specifically to give them reason to repent, and purge their society of immorality, or He'll let those who are worse than they are to purge it from them. Thus, we see a society that foolishly believed their "live, and let live" non-judgmental values could peacefully coexist with Muslim Sharia law ruling various ghettos, called "no go zones", where the law of the land did not apply to the local residents, and their corrupt practices would stay confined to the limits of their ghettos. Well, we can see how that worked out for them. But, we'll see if western Europe recognizes what God is trying to show them, or if they will merely close ranks around a more oppressive government, and a totalitarian dictator, like the Antichrist!

Meanwhile, the people of America, and the rest of the world, stand in the balance, awaiting God's blessings or judgment accordingly, depending upon which way we choose; either to recognize that, "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance", and the personal restraints that that entails, or to confuse liberty with license, and suffer the consequences of our confusion.

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