Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Terrorist Don't Play by The Rules, Therefore Don"t Apply The Rules To Them

The Democrats and other Liberals just don't get it. There is a significant difference between our own citizens who are accused of crimes, and terrorists from foreign countries who commit heinous criminal acts against our citizens, here, or on foreign soil. They don't honor our Constitutional rights for our citizens when they blow us up with car bombs, I.E.D.'s, and commandeer passenger Jet planes to fly them into New York skyscrapers. It may be unpleasant to say so, but their actions disqualify them from our Constitutional self-restraints. Our citizens are expected to abide by the laws of their countries when we travel abroad, so when they choose to break our laws especially in committing murders, and gruesome beheadings of our citizens, we can not apply Constitutional constraints, or even moral compassion to their wellbeing. The only thing that terrorists understand is more terror against them, in the form of swift retribution for their actions. We need to hold to the principle that there is a difference between the way we treat our citizens, and the way our enemies can expect us to treat them if they do not at least respect our basic civil rights, as long as we are not breaking the laws of their countries.

The Congressional Democrats who are exorcising their sour grapes after losing the Mid-Term elections are showing their small-minded lack of concern for the safety of our citizens, here and abroad, by releasing classified documents today that record the C.I.A.'s legal, though unpleasant interrogation methods that were used against captured terrorists, in order to obtain valuable intelligence that led to the capture of other terrorists, the defeat of intended terrorist acts, and even the eventual killing of Osama Bin Laden. By doing so, they have intensified the risk of terrorist retribution against the officials who legally carried out these interrogations, in our country, our armed forces, foreign service, and private citizens travelling in foreign countries, not to mention the officials of other countries who cooperated with us in doing so.

[At this point, I took a break in writing this post to watch the "700 Club" show on television. I thought it was very appropriate that one of the segments on today's show was about women learning to protect themselves from violent attacks using various Martial Arts techniques, that I was taught as a child were frowned upon and called, "dirty fighting", but we all know are very effective on assailants; such as a backhanded elbow to the assailant's nose, or worse a strong knee kick to the groin. Technically this is breaking the law against "Assault and Battery", but if it gives her the opportunity to escape her attacker there is not a court in the land that would convict her, out of sympathy for the "rights" of the poor would-be rapist, or murderer. I think there is a good parallel here between the Constitutional rights of our citizens, verses any compassion we might feel for the "poor" terrorists, who simply want to kill us because we disagree with their beliefs. Most average Liberal Democrats, and Republicans, whether Moderate, or Conservative I think can agree with that. It's such a shame that the selfish, sour-grapes Democrats in Congress apparently feel their interests in "sticking it" to the next Congress are more important than the risk of people dying, for their efforts to defeat those who believe 911 was a just cause.]

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