Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Putin's Russian Foreign Policy Is All "Fracked Up"!

On July 30th I published my opinion that Russia's President Putin was soon to be tempted into moving his armies into the Middle-East, along with various allies which seem to be all predominantly Muslim nations. I speculated that President Obama's wimpy response of diplomatic sanctions would eventually become painful enough to force some counter-measure that would negate them, or cause the western nations to soften them. Today, an interview of former assistant National Security Advisor, K. T. McFarland, on Fox News, informed us that Russia has just agreed with Turkey to build it's Gas Pipeline through it's territory rather than through western Europe, by way of the Ukraine. This is not because of sanctions, but rather because of the precipitous drop in the oil and gas prices due to the development of new "Fracking" technology, and the fact that the U.S. realistically plans to be energy independent within the next five years. Because Russia is dependent upon it's revenues from selling oil, and Natural Gas on the international market, it can not bear the drop in prices and still carry out the hegemonistic policies of Putin's obvious intentions of re-acquiring the former Soviet satellite nations under Russian control. So, if the prices are expected to go lower, and stay lower for the fore-see-able future, his only option is to sell more of it. If he can't do so out of his own oil fields, it might seem tempting to him to steal somebody else's oil fields, like maybe... Saudi Arabia's and the other oil Emirates'? Of course he'd have to eliminate the threat of Israeli intervention, first, which brings us right back to my belief that this is the impetus for his Ezekiel 38, & 39, "Gog/Magog" Invasion of Israel, which I've expounded upon at length already.

I see the Hand of God in all this, how about you???

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