Tuesday, December 16, 2014

God Is Turning The Ruble Into Rubble

Get me!!! Mr. Lazy Blogger actually posting twice in the same day! But just as someone will dial "911" on the phone, or yell "fire!" when his neighbor's house is burning, I am likewise capable of responding to "desperate times" by taking "desperate measures".

For the better part of five years I've been writing that I believe the Biblical prophecy in Ezekiel 38, & 39 was not fulfilled in ancient times, but was for some time that was most likely to happen soon. But, not claiming to be a Prophet myself, I was not interested in risking the wrath of God by trying to stamp a date on when I expected this to come to pass. And I'm still not. However, I am smart enough to recognize what the blind can "see" happening in the world around us, and I have the common sense of a three-year-old when it comes to recognizing that we are entering perilous times. I would be remiss if I didn't try to warn others of the peril we're facing in the near future, whether they wish to heed my warning, or not. In the book of Ezekiel, in the 33rd chapter, God makes it clear that He holds us responsible for choosing to warn others, or not to, when we recognize a "clear and present danger" approaching. If we choose to hold our peace, He will hold us responsible for the lives lost that could have been saved by our timely warning. I will not choose this course of action, no matter what kind of a fool I may appear to be to others, if I scream, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling...", and nothing happens. But if the "sky" really does fall, as in a Nuclear Holocaust (see Revelation 6: 13), and I choose to save my reputation and others die, needlessly, God would be just in holding me accountable for their deaths.

This is the awesome responsibility that causes me to write the things I do, even if they don't turn out the way I imagine they will. Such is the case now, when I heard on today's "700 Club" that the equivalent of the Federal Reserve Chairman, in Russia, just raised interest rates for the Ruble to an astounding 17% in response to the decision by Saudi Arabia to not curtail production in order to drive prices up to a level for Russia to finance their economy. Oil is currently selling at 60 dollars per barrel, and Russia needs the price to rise to 100 dollars per barrel to keep their economy from going into recession. All this means that the "natural fluctuations" of the price of oil is giving Putin a heck of an incentive to invade the Middle-East, conquer their oil fields and turn off the spigots himself. There is just one problem with this plan; those pesky Israeli's would surely resist. So, to keep them busy he might call upon his Muslim allies, Syria, and Iran and any others who wish to help wipe out Israel, to keep them from interfering with his plans. And I'm sure there are many who would just love to help.

I've written extensively before on how that is prophesied to turn out. (Check out the "Archives" section in the lower right column of this page.)

Things are beginning to heat up fast, and soon it may well be time to say, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!!!

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