Friday, June 4, 2021

What The Govt. Suspects. Plus What I Suspect!!!

There are times when my wild imagination gets me into trouble, by suspecting diabolical behavior, that turns out to be humiliatingly and absurdly wrong.    Then, there are other times when the behavior of some entities is so evil, that even my wildest imagination couldn't conceive of it.    If I had been alive at the time of the Nazi attempts to exterminate the Jews in Europe. I probably could not have suspected that one country could be so diabolical as Germany was!    

With that in mind, I am going to suggest my suspicion of Communist China that will seem to eclipse the Nazis diabolical nature, by comparison!!!    I make no claim of its veracity, but if it is true, it will shock the whole world if it ever can be proven!   

The Lab-Leak theory seems to gain in credulity daily, but my mind wafts further to wonder if the Chinese government did not decide to take advantage of an accident, and release the virus internationally, to create the very pandemic that we have recently endured.

We do know that the Chinese Government reacted to the accidental epidemic in the Wuhan province by quaranteeing that province from access to the rest of China.    Simultaneously, they allowed infected people to travel around the world,    WHY???    If this was not an intentional effort to create a pandemic, then  WHY???

I know this seems so diabolical that it is almost incomprehensible, except when you reflect on the Nazi precedent, motivated by the same Socialist desire for world domination.     The main motive of the Nazis was to remove  what they falsely considered to be an evil group that dominated the finances of the world.    What the Jews were in reality was a group that was blessed of God, and hated by Satan, so the Nazis felt that by removing them they would dominate the world's economy.    Well, we saw how far that got them!!!

The Chinese Communists saw the economic destruction of similar viral releases in the Ebola, and Sars cases.    I make no judgement about those viral origins, but I wonder!    I also wonder if the Communists didn't extrapolate further, and wonder if the pandemic could be "controlled" sufficiently to harm everyone else's  economy, while limiting the effect upon China's!!!     They have made no secret about their desire to dominate the world, economically first, and every other way later!   

If this is true, and the world can't accept this level of evil in another country, then we can expect further viral release in the future.    I wonder if all these Variants of the Coronavirus are all naturally mutated, or are they helped along by laboratory development, and the exported to other countries.    

Lets all pray that my suspicions are groundless,  and that the Lord will protect us from such a monstrous evil!!!

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