Saturday, July 18, 2020

Reasoning Through "What-Have-You-Got-To-Lose" Theology!!!

Most Christians remember questioning their faith, at first, with something similar to the title above!  Before such questioning, I was living in an arrogant form of hedonistic agnosticism, believing in some form of "God", but not really considering it much!!!   It was as if I felt "God" would leave me alone, if I left him alone!!!  I had no concept of what "being left alone by God" really entailed!!!  I'm sure there are many people who have died, and gone to Hell, with the same attitude that I had for many years!!!  Thank God that He allowed me to live long enough to come to understand the inadequacy of my early views of His Salvation!!!  

But, as a first step toward understanding His plan for our salvation, it may well be important to view Christianity in this manner!!!   It is the same thing as the cliche, "Hell to shun, and Heaven to gain!"  If one starts with this, it matters not whether they actually believe it, or not;  the meer possibility that it might be true, should scare the average person into at least examining the possibility of it's truth!!!   From that point,  they are likely to begin reading the Gospel, to consider God's perspective of what constitutes "sin", and the consequences for dying  without absolution of such.  When they reach the point of recognizing that God has provided a way of escaping the  horrible consequences of our sins, through the substitutionary death of Jesus, and that it only requires a minimum of faith, and the confession of our mouths, that's when salvation becomes very appealing to most people!!!    

So, while the "what-have-you-got-to-lose" perspective is not enough, it is a good starting point, which can prick the curiousity to investigste further, which may ultimatelylead to salvtion!!!  

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