Friday, July 17, 2020

Is Durham Trying To Protect The Deep State???

It would certainly seem so!!!   By not releasing his report until after the election, he supposedly avoids the appearance of politicizing it, but for which side???   If the report confirms the suspicions of many, that the F.B.I., and the D.O.J., were up to their eyeballs in corrupt behavior trying to keep Trump from winning the 2016 election, and promoting the impeachment effort, afterwards, then it could only be of political benefit to Trump's campaign, if it were released before the election.   But, by holding it until after the election, it is just as politically beneficial to the Democratic candidate, so the ruse of trying to keep it from being political is absurdly debunked!!! 

I suspect Durham's  real reason for this ploy is to protect some good-old-buddies within the departments who will not only be fired if the report comes out, but may be prosecuted for their misbehavior in office!!!  If so, he would be protecting friends, at the expense of our Constitutional government!!!   How long can our government stand blatant criminal behavior within its ranks, and anarchistic criminal behavior in the streets??? 

We all know that our Constitutional government has withstood it's many trials to date, because our founding fathers were diligent to produce a document that respected the Biblical values of the majority of the American people!!!  Even if their own beliefs fell short of these values, they recognized  that the people would not respect any document that did not honor them!!!   Our  problems today are derived from fools that don't believe those values are relevant now, if ever\, and would much prefer a system like the One-World Socialist government that the European Common Market is trying to develop!   Fine, if they want to leave and go there, but they seem to want to destroy our freedoms, here, before they go!!! 

So much for all the praise that Durham received upon his appointment!!!   If he is determined to stall the release of his report, he is institutionalizing the Deep State shenanigans that we have seen the past several years, by helping a Democratic victory, come November, and allowing them to shut down any investigations and protect the Deep State from any prosecution for their crimes!!!   The same government that drove out Aaron Burr, and defeated the treasonous Confederacy, should never stand for such evil behavior in their  ranks, today!!!

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