Sunday, December 29, 2019

Trump's Biggest Economic Concern!

Listening to the Wall Street wizards talk about how wonderful the economy is booming, right now, and how this all seems to make Trump's reelection prospects look pretty good, it seems like the President needn't worry about the coming election!   Well guess again, folks!!!

You may have noticed that the President has some enemies, especially in Washington!!!   They don't like him meddling in their Socialist utopian "Deep State", and they have tried every dirty trick they can think of to run him out of town,...….. except one!!!

Back when George Bush "Senior" (as I like to refer to, George H.W.) was running for reelection, the Federal Reserve decided to raise the Interest Rates high enough to drive the economy into a recession!!!  There was plenty of complaining from the financial pundits that it was an unnecessary move to raise the rates, but to no avail!!!  Anyway, the state of the economy, at election time was the deciding factor in getting Bush to retire, and make room for the Clintons to move into the White House!!!  I don't suppose this was the result  of any Leftist shenanigans, by the "squeaky-clean" Clinton election machine, but I wonder if they were practicing for some Trump-like President that they couldn't otherwise get un-elected!!!

But, don't be surprised if  it happens all over again!  (I think it was the philosopher, George Santayana, who said, "those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it!")  The Fed has been fairly consistent in helping Democratic Presidents, and less so with Republican Presidents   at election time!  It just seems a bit "coincidental" to me!!!

2020 seems set for an endless ride of record setting financial windfalls, as long as no one tries to meddle with the way things are going: someone who might prefer the European "One-World" Socialist system, which is struggling, right now, and could benefit from an American recession sending business their way!!!  Well, as the President is fond of saying, "we'll see"!!!

But, by the time "we will see", will it be too late???   Perhaps, if Trump pulls it out, anyway, he should at least threaten to do what Abraham Lincoln did, by nationalizing the Fed back into the federal government!!!  I don't say it should be kept there, but the possibility should be ever present in the minds of the Directors!!!  Perhaps then they will be less willing to use the Fed. as a political weapon!!!

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