Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Should We Worry About North Korea's Plan To Give America A "Christmas Present"???

In the Lord, certainly not!!!  But how about in the natural???  I know God will provide for His people, but perhaps we may go through some tough times first, I suppose as a form of refining the "dross" out of us, in preparation for whatever is to follow!!!

North Korea is said to be planning some kind of "Christmas Present" for us, and they have been reputed to be developing some intercontinental missile technology, that can carry a missile as far as Washington, D.C.!   But it fails to reenter the atmosphere, without blow

ing up, so it can not destroy anything on the ground! 

But, I've heard Pat Robertson, on the 700 club, talk about the threat of an "Electro-Magnetic Pulse", which theoretically can wipe out our entire "electric grid",  by exploding a single nuclear device in the atmosphere above Chicago, or some other centrally located American city!!!  This would not only turn out the lights, all over  the country, but also turn off refrigerators, and cut off any electric heating in Winter, and air conditioning in the summer!!!  Food distribution to our grocery stores would be severely impaired, and banking and other financial transactions would be shut down for God only knows how long!!!   In todays' environment, that would cause panic around the country, especially with children;  who knows how long a child can survive without television, or computer games!!!

Since I am writing this at 2:00 p.m., on Christmas Eve., and North Korea is supposed to be ten hours ahead of us, I  guess we should know what dastardly "gift" they have in store for us, at any time now!  The suspense is truly agonizing for me!!!

 Hmmmmmmmmm!  Should I be afraid of Kim Jung Un, or trust in the Lord???   I wonder which is more powerful???  Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UPDATE:  12/28/2019--

We seem to have survived through Christmas, despite the concerns of North Korea['s "Christmas Gift"!  But, I heard someone speculate that perhaps the North Koreans were thinking in terms of the Orthodox Christmas, which I understand comes sometime next week!!!  So it may be too soon for us to let out our collective breath, for that matter, we should never let our guard down with such a lunatic regime!!! 

We realize that such a supposed attack would be much more devastating for them,  than for us, after the necessary retaliation, but the trouble is, do they  realize it???  I doubt not that Kim, and his lackeys, believe they can sit out a nuclear attack in their shelters, and come out afterwards...,in about 500 years, after the radiation diminishes!!! 

How are we expected to reason with buffoons like this!!!???

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