Thursday, August 15, 2019

I Greive For The "America Lost", Of Former Years...

Years ago, there was a presumption in American politics that all the candidates were honestly trying to offer a "better solution" to whatever condition faced the electorate, whether on a national, or local level.  The choice was then up to the electorate to judge the practicality of their claims, and to elect the candidate who sold the best solutions to whatever problems were perceived by the people.  Things have changed significantly, and not for the better!!!

 Right, or wrong, the Republicans are honestly offering solutions to problems they perceive in America today.    I strongly suspect that the Democratic candidates are voicing their beliefs in socialism, which was tantamount to political suicide a few decades ago, because they support the European "One-World" socialist system of government, and are desperate to convince Americans that this system is best!!!  But, in order to accept their system we must effectively renounce our Constitutional government, and the capitalist economic system that has developed from it, and the prosperity that has developed from that!!!  They falsely believe that it is our wealth that is restricting the prosperity of their socialist government!  They simply cannot accept that it is Socialism, itself, that is restricting their prosperity!!!  Therefore they make absurd promises of "free everything, for everybody", because they want to destroy America's economy, by saddling us with outrageously expensive programs that will bankrupt our treasury, in the foolish belief that it will bring prosperity to their Socialist "Utopian government"!!!  The 2020 election will be the first time in history that one party wants to make America strong, while the other wants to effectively destroy it!!!

Now we have a large voting block that actually prefers to believe the lies of the Left, and may actually vote our country into oblivion, before they recognize their mistake!  I strongly suspect that Satanic delusion is responsible for the obsessive nature of this, since so many are so open about claims that would have caused them to be ridiculed, only a few years ago!!!  The Democrats, and other Leftist politicians, are so desperate to regain power that they are willing to risk the destruction of this country's values, in order to do so!  Their foolish values stem from their obsession with the "One-World" Socialist system that Europe is trying to develop, and they feel that destroying America will be good for everyone, and they will do anything to bring it to pass!!!  Their primary method of destroying America is to promise "free everything, for everybody!", and let the government pay for it all!!!  Obviously, no government can do this, and it would bankrupt our treasury, and force the world to turn away from our failed dollar as the international currency of exchange, soon establishing the European computerized currency as the dominant currency in the world!!!  The Bible clearly prophecies that participating in this economic system will give anyone (Christian, or not?) a free pass to Hell, and do not pass go!!!  (This sounds like the "Unpardonable Sin", that Jesus mentioned but did not go into great detail to describe!  [For more, please refer to Revelation 13!!!])

I have written before that many Leftists seem to hold to the old Communist doctrine that, "out of chaos, comes order"!  Of course they regularly define various terms of their rhetoric to mean something other than the original meaning in the dictionary!!!   In the dictionary, "chaos" implies an unnatural condition that seems to develop without someone intentionally deciding to promote such, and "order", to the Left, means the absence of resistance to whatever they say is good!  Today, we have a developing "chaos" that is almost totally created by Leftist inaction in Congress, to correct laws that are being used to allow the promotion of crime, in the form of illegal immigrants crossing our borders. some with legitimate asylum concerns, while they are inadvertently camouflaging the drug smugglers, violent criminals, and even foreign terrorists, who sneak over the border among them!   With feigned compassion for the legitimate asylum seekers, the Leftists in Congress continue to reject changes in the laws that make it easy for the criminal element to assimilate into are society, until they can be arrested for committing further crimes!   Then they are deported, so they can be recycled back through further illegal immigration loopholes, endlessly !!!

 If the Leftists in Congress were sincere about their concern for the legitimate asylum seekers, they would pass laws that make it easier for them to apply for asylum in other first immigration countries, which will allow them to live safely there, until their court date arrives to be heard for their asylum request!!!  The President is trying to use executive orders to allow this, but Congress has resisted attempts to do this through legal proceedings!  Obviously, the real concern of the Leftists in Congress is not for the legitimate asylum seekers, as much as it is for the criminal element that creates the chaotic conditions that they hope will get them elected to more power in Washington!!!  Then they will close the borders, and pass the laws that will end the mass illegal immigration!   They don't oppose these laws, they just want the credit to go to themselves, and not to Trump!!!  And the rest of us, "be damned", as far as they care!

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