Sunday, August 4, 2019

How Long Till Dems. Start ScreamingTo Revoke All Gun Ownership?

We know that all guns commit violent crimes, by themselves, and people are not responsible, according to Democrats, and other Leftists!  As usual, all leftists will ignore the obvious, and proclaim some absurd solution to a problem that they have helped to create, and refuse to offer any real practical solutions for!!!

Reportedly, the shootings today, and yesterday, in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, were the result of anti-immigrant white supremacists at locations where immigrants were known to frequent!   The sad thing about this is the labeling of white supremacists as "right-wing" when , by their own admission, they support the same evil system of government that the radical Left does, with only slight variations!!!

There is little difference between the "Leftist" dogma of the Communists of Russia, or China, and the Nazi dogma of World War II Germany!  In fact the term "Nazi" is a short version of the real name of Germany's "National Socialist" government, and the conflict between the Russian, and German versions of "Socialism", was a matter of military belligerence, and not political differences!  Both countries wanted to control the world, through socialism, they just differed as to which government should win the war!!!   If either had been allowed to control the world, I doubt that their doctrines would have been much different, nor would they vary much from the "One-World" government system that Europe is trying to develop today, and that American Leftists are desperately trying to push us into now!!!  If the Democrats win in 2020, they can be expected to try to force us into abolishing our Constitution, and join this very movement, which the Bible has Prophecied will give the participants a fast-track to Hell, for at least an eternity, if not longer!!!

The Leftists must be overjoyed at these developments, in spite of their feigned sorrow, because they can blame it all on Trump, as they do everything else that is bad, from the original Sin in the Garden of Eden, to loss of the Presidency, which they "know" was stolen by Trump, from the "real winner", Hillary Clinton!!!  (Constitutional Law being irrelevant, in their eyes, since they intend to abolish it soon anyway!!!)

But, the truth of the matter is that if the Democrats in Congress, especially the House of Representatives, would pass real anti-illegal immigration laws, there would have been no justification for these shootings, even in the lunatic minds of the shooters!!!  But, true to the Communist doctrine of, "Out of chaos, comes order",  (by "Order" they really mean oppressive totalitarianism!) the shootings of the past 48 hours gives the Left more opportunity to spout their endless tirades against private gun ownership, protected by the 2nd amendment!!!  If they could ever win this debate, I suppose they would next ban dinner knives, which would be okay in their minds, since beef cattle would already be banned, because their flatulence is the root cause of all "Global Warming"!!!!

Yes, the left really has a better plan for life, if they could just force us all to accept it all!!!  And they are sure going to try and force us!!!

UPDATE:  8/6/2019--

The answer to my rhetorical question in the above title is, "...Less than 24 hours!!!"  The leftist demagogues, especially those running for the Democratic nomination for President, in 2020, started falling all over themselves to spout their absurd claims that President Trump was indirectly responsible for the shootings.  If they could have blamed him more directly, I'm sure they would have done so!  But, surprisingly, there seems to be some limit even to the absurd level of gullibility of their constituency, forcing them to draw the line short of that!!!  The Democrats seem to be basing their whole campaign efforts upon absurd, slanderous propaganda, mostly against Trump, but also against Republicans, and especially against  conservative evangelicals!!!  I guess that means they hate God, and everything He stands for, and if they lose the election, in 2020, it will be proof, in itself, that God miraculously destroys the best efforts of those who hate Him, to protect those who love Him!!!

Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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