Friday, April 19, 2019

The Left Is Calling, "...Good Evil, And Evil Good"!!!

These are not my words, but God's:  In the book of Isaiah, God is speaking to His prophet about the state of His people, Israel, and specifically the tribe of Judah, whose government resided in Jerusalem.  This treatise is very relevant for today, because it concerns the leaders of the day, who bore a very distinct resemblance to our own leaders, today!!!  Anyone who dismisses this warning as being irrelevant, does so at their own peril, and at the peril of those who naively follow their lead!!!

The verse in particular is Isaiah 5: 20, which says, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil..."  Verse 21:  They, "... that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!"  The Lord makes it clear that He is watching, and listening, and controlling His anger for the moment, but that there is a definite limit to how long He will contain His wrath against such people!  It did not matter that these people were ignorant of His awareness, because they should have known, and simply chose to ignore His warnings, which are replete, throughout the Bible!!!  As I was just so ignorant, well into my adult life, I feel obligated to pass on this dire warning of God's eventual judgement, which may not come until after they are dead, but it may come in an untimely death, at any time!!!  If it does come, it will affect not only the evil leaders, but their foolish followers, as well, and God only knows how many so-called innocents, who merely didn't take a position, one way, or the other!!!  God holds us accountable, not only for what we do, and say, but also what we don't!!!

Democrats, and Socialists, call Trump's efforts to stop the flood of illegal immigrants, with the accompanying drug cartel carriers (or "mules"), sex traffickers and other criminals, as well as terrorists from all over the world,  to be inherently "evil", and that to allow this migration to flow unchecked is "good".  I don't see how this can be anything other than a blatant violation of God's warnings in the early part of Isaiah!!!  If they continue, I wonder how long God will wait until He judges the situation, Himself, though it will probably be in a way that His direct action is still deniable, to those who belligerently refuse to believe!!!

Let's pray for the Revival to come and change their evil hearts, or for the Rapture to come and take the rest of us home, before His wrath is unleashed, which surely will come!!!

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