Thursday, April 18, 2019

Democrats Desperate Redaction Reaction

I have long believed that the Mueller Commission's whole purpose was not to gather, "evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign, and Russian attempts to interfere with the 2016 election results", as originally stated in their charter, but rather to irritate the President to the point of forcing him to exercise his power to fire the entire commission, so the Democrats could claim he was trying to "obstruct justice", which could then be used as "legal" grounds to charge him with a "crime", constituting guilt of, "high crimes and misdemeanors", and thereby an impeachable offense!!!

The commission apparently failed to accomplish either goal, as it was admitted, according to Attorney General Barr's report, briefing the news of the redacted report, which is to be released to the public, some time today!

The desperate Democrats are trying to imply the Attorney General is acting as a foil for the president, by covering up truly revealing evidence of such guilt in the redacted report, even before the report is released!!!  These people have no shame with their unfounded charges, and a later released form of the report with some of the redactions removed will likely prove, but never to the satisfaction of the Democrats!!!  I'm sure that whomever reads this less redacted version will be unable to resist the temptation to leak the unredacted sections to the Leftist media reporters  (regardless of the laws restricting this) complete with their own version of twisted facts, desperately trying to "prove" their ridiculous charges, in the hope that the more gullible voters will be convinced that the Trump campaign is guilty of what they are not, but Hilary Clinton's campaign apparently truly was!!!  They simply can not believe that an honest campaign could actually defeat their thoroughly dishonest one!  And the obvious truth is killing them!!!

Let's pray that the Justice Department can hold these illegal conspirators accountable for their actions, and throw the guilty parties in jail (even if they were married to a former President),  and that the Inspector General's report will show enough evidence to help convict those who have clearly conspired to execute a nonviolent coup against a sitting president!!!  I recognize that the public is tired of endless investigations, and would rather move on from all this, but, if accountability is not brought to bare, here, it will happen again, and the next time may not be nonviolent!!!  The Leftists consider the tactics used against "banana  republic" regimes to be a viable option, in order to get their way, when legal procedures fail them!!!

Only fervent prayer can defeat their purposes to do so!!!

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