Saturday, October 13, 2018

Has The Fed Been Taken Over By The Left !???

I am not particularly well versed in either Macro Economics, nor global conspiracy theories, so I submit this Post with a caution that I may not know what I'm talking about.  But, if my suspicions  actually have merit, the threat to America, and indeed the world, may be so dire that someone who knows better may read this, who merely hadn't thought about it, yet.

The American Federal Reserve is an independent institution which sets the rates for banks, and other investment companies, to borrow money to lend to other companies to use to expand their businesses, and to increase production for the economy as a whole.  When the economy is struggling, rates are lower, and when the economy is booming (as it has been recently), the rates are raised to keep inflation at a modest rate.   At least that's the theory!

However, there have been times when politicians have claimed that the Fed has raised rates, not to soften an overheating boom economy, but to ruin a boom cycle for political reasons, just before an upcoming election.  I can only think of Republican presidents complaining about this;coincidental???  I just wonder.    I remember when George H.W. Bush was running for re-election, the rates were dramatically raised seemingly without sufficient cause, and the resulting slow down was considered partly responsible for his defeat, in the election.  True, or not, it was something that stuck with me, and made me wonder.  I was not a great fan of Bush "senior", so it seemed like no big deal at the time.  But, looking back on it now, it seems rather "coincidental" that he lost to Bill Clinton; who now seems to be one of the most corrupt politicians in American history, along with his "crooked" wife, and their buddy, Barack Obama.  By now it seems perfectly plausible that they are capable of using any influence to try and fix an election in their favor.

But, can they???  I wonder!

I submit that we are well into perhaps the most critical period in American history, politically and morally.  We have the European countries struggling to develop the commonwealth into the prophesied One-World Socialist government, and various sympathetic groups around the world, including our own Democratic party, and the afore-mentioned corrupt politicians, are falling all over themselves to convince us that it is the last best hope for true peace, and prosperity for all.  The Bible prophecies that it will be accepted, world wide, one day, but it will bring neither peace nor prosperity, (except for the corrupt politicians) and will eventually be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, who will use it to set up a holocaust that will make Hitler's Nazi Germany look like play time at the Kindergarten!!!

But, what about the Fed's Chairman, and the other Directors; why would they cooperate with either political party, and raise rates to influence an election?  These directors mostly come from various Banks, which internationally tend to do better in Socialist government countries, where they can easily bribe the leaders into whatever special favor they are interested in, and, thus, they can circumvent both natural market forces, and the potential outrage of the citizens.  The Clintons have been rumored to be willing to accept money from other countries, into the "Clinton Foundation", while Hillary was Obama's Secretary of State (in order to buy influence in the Obama administration???), and probably have plenty of influence with any Fed Directors who might be sympathetic to the One-World Socialist concept, on behalf of their former (and perhaps, future)  Banking interests!   The temptation would probably be greater than at any other time in history, since there, has never been a One-World Socialist government, though there have been many attempts to produce it (Rome, the  Mongol hordes, the Huns, Napoleon's France, and Nazi Germany, et al...)

So, if Trump is convinced of political manipulation of the Fed, what can he do about it?  He could talk Congress into temporarily Nationalizing the Fed to put it back under the control of the government.  There is precedent for this, under emergency circumstances, when Abraham Lincoln did so to finance the Civil War effort.  It may be necessary, to avoid senseless meddling in the election, just as the left is busy handing out drivers licenses (picture I.D.'s) to illegal immigrants so they can vote for Democrats "legally".  Is this the real reason for the D.O.J. sham investigation, supposedly to find any Republican cooperation with Russian attempts to influence the 2016 election???  Is it merely to keep the focus off Democratic efforts to cheat in upcoming elections, such as by paying illegal immigrants to vote for Democrats, with fake I.D.'s, sometimes repeatedly???  I guess this is why the Democrats cry so loudly, when States try to require proof of legal citizenship at the polls, before voting.  Why else would they find this so egregious???

It's really a shame that we have to even talk about such drastic measures, but the left is really desperate to win back control of Congress, so much so that I suspect they intended to somehow create such anarchy in America (if Clinton had won) that we would willingly vote to abolish the Constitution, as a hopelessly obsolete document, and voluntarily accept membership in the European One-World Socialist government. The leftist move to abolish I.C.E. may be a test, or first step, of this plan.  Gov Jerry Brown, in California,  is doing his best to help the cause, with his "Sanctuary State" allowing any of the  Mexican, and Central American criminals who wish to come here, and create havoc, to escape punishment, and avoid deportation.

 I strongly sense Satanic motivation behind all this obstructionist haranguing, as though the socialists are desperate to make America join up, and they think that the time to do so is growing short!  This is probably why they hate Trump so much, for interfering in their plans, and they are so desperate they don't care how absurdly their protests seem to the rest of us!

Certainly, we must all be in fervent prayer for our country, now, and vote accordingly on November 6th!   This diabolical leftist plot is so blatantly, and absurdly extreme that most people don't realize how serious it may be!   If we all sleep through the election, we may wake up with the Antichrist in control of our lives, along with the rest of the world!!!        



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