Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Behold The Judgement Of God...

...Or something like that.  I am reminded of the movie, "The Ten Commandments", when Charleton  Heston, portraying Moses, (as the Israelites were about to witness the parting of the Red Sea)    pronounced something of this nature, though there is no record of Moses actually saying these words.  It seemed appropriate for the drama of the moment, and we may have similar drama nearby, in the near future.

I hesitate to say this, because I recognize the horrendous bitterness that may seem to be causing me to believe this, but I denounce this as untrue.  I hold no bitterness for the people who may be subject to the danger that I suspect may be about to fall upon them.  I also want to profess that I am no Prophet, and what  I write may well not happen, but I merely see parallels between today, and various Old, and New Testament happenings (miraculous, or not) that fall in line with God's judgement of rebellious people of the past!

Today, there are two very powerful forces that may be headed for a horrendous collision in Mexico!  We are all aware that the "Caravan" of mostly Central American people, that are "marching" across the length of Mexico, determined to barge across the border between Mexico, and America. whether we like it or not!  Most of these people are poor people who have suffered at the hands of those in power in their home countries ( El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Mexico), and just want to find a safe place to live and raise their families in safety, and peace.   But, we as Americans can not save the whole world, that is God's job, and we can assist when possible, but we should not feel responsible when others demand we give them what they want.  These people are not applying for legal immigration, and submitting to a careful vetting process, to determine if they will be able to provide for their own living, obey our civil laws, and live peacefully with those around them.  They intend to "kick the door down", and "muscle" their way in, and dare us to try and keep them out!  Thanks to the Socialists, and Democrats, in Congress who have refused to give us laws to prevent this kind of action, there seems to be no pleasant way of blocking this.  President Trump has vowed to call up the Armed forces (not merely the National Guard), to stop them!   With the Mid-term Elections just two weeks away, this smacks of some type of  Democratic plot to make Trump look like a heartless Goon, ready to throw "innocent" people in jail, or worse!  George Soros has been reputed to be financing this whole thing, and if there is collusion between the Democrats and the thugs that control these Central American countries, you can bet that the Mueller Commission will not investigate them about it!

But, perhaps there is another way to stop this, without involving a heavy-handed response by the President.  I expect that there has been a lot of prayer about this by a lot of concerned Christians, who can't see a good way out of this mess.  The people behind it have carefully developed a plan that will either hurt America badly; financially, to say nothing of the risk of criminals, and terrorists trying to use these people to camouflage their entrance into our country, for the free reign of crime and terror they plan to foment; or, make Trump look like such an inhuman despot, that it would throw the election to the Democrats.  But, if God intervened, and turned these people back, so that the President would not have to resist them, it would defeat their intentions, and the intentions of the organizers, as well.

Earlier, I said there are two powerful forces heading for. a possible collision.  The second force is Hurricane Willa, which is nearly a category 5 level storm, and seems to be heading for the center of Mexico, right  as the "caravan" is approaching the area!  This could cause many to think twice about continuing, in the face of a very dangerous storm.  Or, any that foolishly continue, might have a first-hand view of what God's wrath is like for those who try and impose their evil ways upon a people who cry out to God to help them, when they can't overcome the evil, themselves.

I do not wish any harm to come upon those who are being manipulated by their evil organizers, yet I sense that God may well have had enough of waiting for their leaders to stop their lawless abuse of their own people.  The "700 club" T.V. show, today, described a Honduran party, called "Libre", that believes the old Communist principle that,  "out of chaos comes order", and therefore, desires to create as much chaos as possible, in order to provide the "order" (Communist???) from it!   To me this constitutes an attempt at an effort to invade another country, to try to overthrow it's government!  Regardless of how this develops, an invasion of these "Banana Republics" might be in order!  I imagine the "Monroe Doctrine" covers this to some degree, or other!

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