Thursday, August 23, 2018

Why I Write This Blog

I have, from the beginning of this Blog (about 10 years ago), admitted that I have no professional credibility as a journalist, or even as a Biblical scholar, though I do presume to write about both news reports of current events, and Biblical prophecies that those current events suggest may be about to be fulfilled.  Precisely because I have no credibility, and therefore no reputation as such to be sullied if my judgements about the possible soon fulfillment of ancient prophecies proves incorrect, I find myself in the unique position to recognize the bigger picture of what God is allowing to happen in the world today.

If I were a recognized Biblical scholar, with theological degrees to lend credibility to my opinions, I would perhaps be reluctant to risk my reputation on such seemingly outrageous claims as believing an ancient prophecy, given by God to the prophet Ezekiel (in chapters 38, and 39), some 2500 years ago, was beginning to take shape, in a way never before seen, in the Middle-east, which fits the circumstances that God described to the prophet Ezekiel.  But, the acquisition of  a warm-weather port, in Syria, by their ally,  Russia (which Russia has coveted for centuries), creates the ability of these two countries, along with other Muslim nations in the region, to bring to pass the very Middle-east invasion that God prophecied that He was "about", to bring to pass, "in the latter days".  Add to that the fact that American sponsored, western-nation sanctions are creating massive economic difficulties for Russia, because of their blatant invasion of the Ukraine, and consequential annexation of the Crimean peninsula, along with the sanctions we have placed upon Iran (for their continued efforts to develop nuclear weapons, which they have repeatedly threatened to use against Israel, first, and the U.S. later), has created the motive for such an invasion to take over the Saudi Arabian, and other Gulf State oil reserves, so Russia can embargo the very western nations that have sanctioned them.  Russian military strategists have long used Chess strategy as examples of military tactics, and this kind of "tit-for-tat" retaliation would likely seem irresistible to them, much more so than retreating from the Ukrainian, and Crimean territory they have conquered recently.

Likewise, if I were credentialed journalist, with degrees in journalism, and hired by some main stream news agency, I would have serious qualms about writing that the above facts fueled my suspicion that a 2500-year-old prophecy of the Bible was perhaps soon to be fulfilled.  Few main stream publications give any credibility to anything in the Bible, and certainly an unfulfilled prophecy would make a professed believer the laughing stock of the industry, and guarantee his soon termination from his employer!

So, having no reputation in the first place makes me perfect to spout my "ridiculous claims", since I have no credibility to lose!  I hesitate to say that God chose me to do this, but neither will I say He did not!  I leave it up to the reader to decide if there is any credence to my speculation, and to consider how that might effect them personally!

As always, "...,look up, for your redemption draweth nigh."!!!

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