Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Regime Change In Iran???

I don't think so.  At least not yet, anyway.

I just saw news reports of Rudy Giuliani speaking to a very large gathering of Iranian immigrants, where he documented signs of widespread unrest, and protest marches even in Tehran, Iran's capital city.  The Iranian protests were in response to Iran's continued financial support of various Islamic wars, and terrorist movements throughout the Middle-East, which have largely destroyed their currency, through inflation, and created food shortages, and (most recently) unclean drinking water throughout their cities.  Giuliani correctly called these signs, indications of a regime that was on it's last legs before being overthrown by a popular revolution.  All things considered, this would seem to be an accurate assumption.  But, I think one thing is apparently not being considered here!

The prophecied  "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East would seem likely to come before any such regime change, because I suspect that their goal (Russia, Iran, and their other Muslim allies) is ultimately to conquer the Arab oil fields, of the gulf states, and embargo the oil sales to the western countries that are sanctioning them now.  This, if successful, would drive the western nations into a depression, and would create a financial boon to the conquering nations.  So, the unrest in Iran, along with some displeasure in Russia, at the effects of the western sanctions upon them, would seem to speed their desire to implement their plans to invade, before the unrest becomes too difficult to contain.  Destroying Israel, which would have to come first (as Israel is the only regional threat capable of foiling their plans) would also please their Muslim followers, as it is "prophecied" in their Koran.  The only problem for them is that God will not allow them to destroy Israel, and will indeed help Israel to destroy their invasion force!  In the process, He may even allow a destruction of Iran, in whole, or in part, which seems unclear;  but any regime change would appear to follow this, if there is an "Iran" left to change!

I understand that Giuliani was speaking to a secular group, as a secular advisor to the President.  But I hope that there are Christian advisors, in the White House,  who can inform the President of the likelihood of what I've just written, so he doesn't make any logical decisions, that don't take Biblical prophecy into account, and accidentally place any of our troops in harm's way.  The ultimate conclusion of this conflict will glorify God, and bless His chosen people, as they have not been so blessed since the parting of the Red Sea!!!

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