Wednesday, March 21, 2018

"Spiritual Wickedness In High Places"...

Thank God for Sean Hannity, of FOX NEWS!!!

I remember when the "Watergate conspiracy" finally began to be noticed in the regular Washington media, and people actually began to realize that our President, Richard Nixon, was guilty of masterminding an illegal "Dirty Tricks" burglary of the Democratic Party's campaign offices during a mid-night raid, presumably looking for damaging evidence of corruption of one kind, or another.   Previously, it had seemed that this story was going nowhere, for lack of evidence of any wrongdoing, but the Washington Post's editor-in-chief,  Ben Bradlee,  continued to support his two investigative reporters,  Bob Woodward, and Carl Bernstein, until they finally uncovered enough tangible evidence to expose the crimes for everyone to see.   This finally forced Nixon's resignation, so he could be pardoned by the new President, Ford,  sparing the country of the prosecution of a sitting President.

Today, we have another unfolding Constitutional crisis developing, around the so-called "Deep State" conspiracy, primarily of former Obama administration appointees, (but also of long-serving officials of like-minded values) who have tried to manipulate their offices, in the Justice Department, and the F.B.I., to exonerate each other, as well as Hillary Clinton, of any wrongdoing, in spite of what is seeming to become overwhelming evidence of political illegal activity, in order to get Hillary Clinton elected, and, when that was unsuccessful, to portray Donald Trump as unfit for the office of the Presidency.  While the Main Stream Media continues to gloss over the evidence as irrelevant, and serve as the promotional tool of those who would discredit such investigations, Sean Hannity has continued to investigate what is beginning to become obvious to all, and to keep the pressure on Congressional investigators, until it is beginning to look like there will actually be prosecutions for these people, for what has been apparently illegal corruption, on a massive scale!

It may be that the Obama Administration set up this "Deep State" conspiracy throughout the Federal bureaucracy to continue the corruption of our government, from within, in order to make it seem that our Constitutional form of government was obsolete, and therefore must be abolished legally, so that we would accept membership in the coming One-World system of government, that these liberal "Deep Staters" seem to feel is the salvation of all our problems, nationally, and internationally.

Unfortunately,  as Christian believers,  we already know that this One-World government system will eventually become the tool of Satan's Antichrist, with which he will someday terrorize the world into blind submission to his evil ways, even to the point where we might endanger our eternal souls, by cooperating with this system.    Therefore we have a responsibility to resist our country's participation in this system, and to prosecute those who are trying to corrupt our government, to force our obedience, to what they believe is for our own good, (though we know otherwise, since we've read the "last chapter of the book" [the Bible], and we know how it will all turn out!!!)

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