Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Is McConnell Trying To Scuttle The Tax Plan? (Amended: 12/20/'17)

I do confess that I do owe the "Establishment Republicans" in the Senate an apology for suspecting that they were loading up the President's Tax Relief bill with a repeal amendment for the "Affordable Care Act", thereby rendering it virtually impassable.  As the reader will see, in the first update below, I was corrected by watching the 700 Club, which told me they were only attaching the "Individual Mandate" clause, which was an "Obama(nation)", in it's own right!!!

I do formally apologize, as promised, for my gross error, in the first place.  But, not for thinking that they were capable of such skullduggery, which is why I left this Post published, but with appropriate corrections in the updates. I wanted the readers to recognize my overwhelming distrust of these people, so I promised to delete the Post, when Congress finally came through with their spoken intention to pass it,and send it to the President, with enough time to sign it into law before the year ended!

As that has just happened, I have kept my promise, and have deleted the entire Post! 

THANK GOD WE FINALLY GOT CONGRESS TO DO SOMETHING RIGHT; no thanks to the Democrats, who voted unanimously, in both houses of Congress, against the bill!!!  I hope their constituents remember which party put more money in their paychecks, and which party screamed like a stuck pig, at the horrible thought of letting them keep more of their own money!!!  (How the Democrats thought this was the best strategy to get re-elected in 2018, I'll never understand!) 

(That sound, that seemed as loud as a "sonic boom", that could probably be heard around the world, was me letting out the breath I have been holding since Trump took office, waiting for the Republicans to actually pass some of his agenda, as they said they would!!!)

[Below is the original update, written within two hours of recognizing my error, and correcting it!!!]

UPDATE--(after watching today's 700 CLUB)

I may owe my #1 conspiracy antagonists (the so-called Establishment Republicans) a begrudged   apology, as I was almost immediately corrected by Pat Robertson, on the 700 club today.  Here I was, stewing in my own self-righteous apoplexy over what I was sure was an Establishment Republican "end-run" around being able to vote down the Tax Reform bill, without having to face the responsibility for doing so.  Mind you, I am not completely contrite, as I am not completely convinced my initial judgement was in error.  ( By this, I mean that I may be in error about attaching the whole Obamacare Bill to the Tax Reform Bill, instead of just the  Individual Mandate clause, but I still distrust the sincerity of the Establishment Republicans, in actually trying to pass the Tax Reform Bill, before the end of this year!  If they don't, the economic surge effect will not happen  until after the 2018 election, and the Republicans will lose control of Congress, and the stock market rise that has been based solely upon the expectation of tax reform,  will probably turn into a horrendous crash, worse than 1929!!!)

But I am willing to admit that what I heard on the 700 CLUB seems to suggest that I judged the move by the Establishment Republicans erroneously.  It now seems that their plan was merely to attach to their tax plan a repeal of the "Individual Mandate" of Obamacare, which imposed a fine on anyone who didn't buy insurance. It essentially fined those who didn't have enough money to afford insurance.  (Yessir!  The Democrats are really concerned about the financial stability of the American voter!!!)

If that's all it is, then that makes all my above complaint moot, and I apologize for my misunderstanding their intentions.  But I caution the reader to keep what I said in mind as I remain suspicious enough of their intentions to suspect that they may try something like I wrote about.   For now, I guess they are more intent upon getting themselves re-elected than they are of getting Trump "un-elected".  (Or as Ronald Reagan put it, "It's not necessary for them to see the light... only for them to feel the heat!")

UPDATE:  (to my earlier UPDATE) 11/21/2017:

I am somewhat concerned that the above Post has received the greatest amount of the recent pageviews of any other Post I've written, lately.   I don't wish to mislead people with my outraged Post, which was admittedly based upon a misconception of mine, and was later corrected in the above UPDATE. 

I wonder if the comparative rash of  pageviews indicates that others have reached the same degree of suspicion as I have, concerning McConnell's sincerity in promoting any part of President Trump's agenda?  Perhaps they were looking to my Post to confirm their suspicions, as such.  If I had evidence that was irrefutable, I would gladly share it, but as the above UPDATE says, I do not, at this time.  I will gladly delete the entire above Post, after the Senate passes a compromise Tax bill, and sends it to the President, to sign, before the end of the year!!!.  (DONE!  As of today; 12/20/2017.)  Until then I remain skeptical of the Establishment Republicans' sincerity, but will endeavor to keep an open mind,  as it can be assumed that their desire to be re-elected in 2018 may overrule their desire to scuttle Trump's agenda!!!

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