Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Good Riddance To The "First Fool"!!!

Guess who???

I'll bet none of my regular readers can guess who I'm referring to! Right!!! Congratulations!!! How did you ever guess that I was referring to President Obama, after his pathetic State Of The Union address last night? And of course, I'm calling him the "First", not that he was the first Democratic "Fool" to ever sit in the White House (we've seen Clinton and Carter before him), but in the sense of present, and primary (as in the "First Lady"). Perhaps it would be more accurate if I referred to him as the "Worst Fool"!!!

The term "Fool" I use advisedly, applying my own definition here. I consider a "fool" to be someone who does not have a mental, or an intellectual deficiency to use as an excuse for holding to outrageously stupid views. Another descriptive term for his kind of lunacy I have used is a "dogmatic idiot". Namely, one who is demonstrably smart enough to know better (like getting accepted to a school like Harvard Law), but still belligerently holds to absolutely stupid views, and acts upon them (like going to a school like Harvard Law!). I think Obama wanted to learn how best to circumvent the Constitution to further his socialistic ideals, and he certainly chose the best school to learn that!!!

Anyone who can say with a straight face that I.S.I.S. terrorism does not constitute a threat to America's existence is a colossal idiot, or a blatant liar, one! Certainly, they can't "Nuke" us into ashes, but they can, and apparently intend to create as much murderous domestic chaos as possible, to make us regret attacking them on their "home turf"; with the hope that our voting public will force the president to withdraw our troops, as if that will stop all the domestic terrorism. It won't!!! The only way he can say that I.S.I.S. does not threaten our existence is if he considers the dead we have already suffered, and those that we can expect to suffer in the near future, to be "acceptable losses", in the sense that we must expect casualties on the open field of war. But I'll bet those who have been beheaded already would consider I.S.I.S. to be a bit of a threat to their existence!!!

We are supposedly at war now, but we are not fighting it as if we intended to win it. Our forces are being hamstrung by a policy that amounts to a "holding pattern", which our most-likely-closet-Muslim President will probably force us to deal with for the next year, until he leaves office. He apparently does not want to be remembered as the President responsible for destroying the Muslim "Caliphate", probably because he believes in the Muslim "prophecy" of the "coming Mahdi" (their equivalent of the Messiah).

I learned yesterday, while listening to a terrorism expert on the "700 Club" T.V. show, that their so-called "prophecy" predicts that their "Savior" won't come until a mass-genocide takes place in which all the "infidels" are killed (especially all the Jews, and Christians of the world). Won't they be surprised when God turns their genocidal intentions against each other, until they've destroyed 83 1/3% of their Middle-East invasion force!!! [See Ezekiel 38, &39, for that one!] That's why I can't get upset when I hear statistics about all the American, and European "citizens" who have gone to join I.S.I.S.. The more the merrier, if you ask me! Most of them will most likely not be coming back, after the Lord gets finished with them!!! And those that are already here will surely give pause to any plans to commit murderous havoc after they see that their main international terrorists have destroyed themselves, "upon the mountains of Israel" (Ezekiel 38, & 39). I don't apologize for my obvious appreciation for God's judgement upon these fools. Most have lived in countries where the Gospel is freely preached on television, and I find it hard to believe they were not exposed to the truth, at some point, before they chose to practice Jihad, for "fun and profit", especially against God's Chosen People, Israel! I see no reason to mourn their future passing, especially since they apparently intend to massacre us, as soon as they've finished with Israel. These are not sweet little "alter boys", or whatever the Muslim equivalent would be. By the time they are that far gone, they are murderous monsters. Only a miraculous intervention from God can deliver people like that. And if He's chosen not too, who am I to say He should. After all, the Bible quotes Him as saying, "I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy." God knows the hearts of those He will choose to save, and those He will not. And I will not try to second guess him on that. I'll just praise Him for choosing to be merciful to me!!!

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